Roger Stone: Mueller’s End Game is Hillary Clinton as President — Video

Former Donald Trump campaign advisor and long-time Republican operative Roger Stone claims the Mueller investigation’s ultimate goal is to get Hillary Clinton into the White House.
Stone made the wild accusation during an exclusive interview with Sean Hannity Monday night.
In his version of events, the special counsel will seek “hopped-up” charges against President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence with the ultimate goal of installing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as the new leader of the free world.
“Look, I honestly believe that they’re going to try to charge the president and the vice president with some hopped-up frame of Russian collusion,” Stone told Hannity. “That way they can make Nancy Pelosi president.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Hillary For President?
As if that weren’t nightmare enough, Stone offered this next step in the conspiracy theory.
“She (Pelosi) can make Hillary Clinton vice president and then step aside,” he suggested. “It’s a nightmare but I think that’s what they have in mind.”
ROGER STONE's ludicrous conspiracy theory: "They're trying to criminalize free speech… I honestly believe they're going to try to charge POTUS & VP on hokum. That way they can make Pelosi president. She can make Hillary vice president & then step aside. It's a nightmare."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 29, 2019
This is, most assuredly, the end result every far-left kook that has been unable to accept Hillary’s defeat would like to see, but we’re hesitant to think Mueller will actually go this far with his witch hunt.
Eliminating Trump is the goal, but is it likely to happen? And if so, is it likely that charges would be brought against Pence?
We remain skeptical.
No Russian Collusion
It’s uncertain what “hopped-up” charges Stone had in mind. This past November, he predicted Donald Trump Jr. would be indicted with a process crime similar to his own accusations – lying to the FBI.
There is zero chance President Trump would be ensnared in such petty allegations, however, as Justice Department rules prohibit a sitting President from being indicted, much less for a case as weak as Mueller’s.
He certainly won’t be able to bring Trump down on Russian collusion, as proof of it remains non-existent.
“There is no Russian collusion,” Stone said in his Hannity interview. “I had no collaboration with WikiLeaks. I’m not charged with conspiracy. Believe me, if they could’ve made that case they would’ve. But they want to silence me because I will stand up for Donald Trump. That’s what this is really about.”
If there is no evidence of collusion, then Stone’s conspiracy theory seems moot.
Harvard Law school professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Mueller “has found almost no crimes that occurred before he was appointed special counsel.”
“He was appointed to special counsel to uncover crimes that had already occurred,” Dershowitz noted. “He has virtually failed in that respect in every regard.”
Getting Pelosi into the White House, then Hillary Clinton would fail just as easily.
Stone’s allegations come as Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker announced that Mueller’s investigation is “close to being completed.”
Cross-posted with Mental Recession
- Opinion: Robert Mueller’s Witch Hunt of Roger Stone
- Video: Roger Stone takes, passes comprehensive polygraph tests over Russia collusion
- Roger Stone Arrest — Questions Raised About CNN at Scene
- Roger Stone: ‘Rogue prosecutor’ Robert Mueller ‘has more power than the president’
- Roger Stone warns of bloody civil war if Trump impeached — Video
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