
Report: Drunk, weepy, whiny Hillary joined recount to ‘lift her spirits’

HillaryOn Wednesday, Townhall’s Ed Klein reported that a drunk, weepy and whiny Hillary Clinton joined Jill Stein’s recount efforts as a way to “lift her spirits,” citing “friends” close to the Democratic Party presidential candidate.

According to Klein:

Part of the answer is that people close to Hillary—Huma Abedin, Chelsea Clinton, and Sidney Blumenthal—encouraged her to ask for a recount as a way of lifting her spirits.

“She is weepy, looks ten years older and is very whiny,” said one of Hillary’s closest friends. “She has been drinking wine pretty heavily, much more than usual. She mopes around all day, swimming in a sea of recriminations and complaining that her campaign managers were ‘incompetent,’ Bill and Chelsea ‘didn’t work hard enough,’ FBI Director Comey was ‘in league with Trump.’”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Moreover, Klein said, President Obama convinced her that “it was in the best interest of the Democratic Party if the Clinton legal team got involved with the recount and didn’t leave it to Jill Stein.”

But some, like Rush Limbaugh, say that Stein is nothing more than a front for Clinton.

On Thursday, Limbaugh said:

I have long suspected that Jill Stein’s not actually responsible for this recount, that she is a stand-in, that she is the public face of this. I actually think this is all Hillary Clinton. I think this recount that everybody thinks is Jill Stein’s and the Green Party’s is all Hillary Clinton. Now, there’s a story here from a website called LawNewz, N-e-w-z, and it is this:

“The Republican Party of Wisconsin filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission on Wednesday that alleges Jill Stein is allowing her campaign to be used as a front for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the recount effort. Stein has denied those allegations.” Now, Stein’s denying all of that. “This was all set in motion .. with Clinton campaign’s attorney, Marc Elias, writing a lengthy blog post that explained how the Clinton campaign received hundreds of calls to ‘investigate claims that the election results were hacked…'”

“This is Hillary who can’t get accept it,” Limbaugh added. “This is the Clintons. Now, did you see what The Punk said yesterday, Terry McAuliffe? (interruption) You didn’t see this? He said Bill’s gonna continue to travel the world and fleece people and shake people down. Well, I mean, he didn’t say that, but that’s what Clinton does when he travels the world. He said Hillary’s through with politics. He doesn’t see… Terry McAuliffe, governor of Virginia, known affectionately here as The Punk, says he doesn’t see Hillary getting back into politics.”

He continued:

She doesn’t want to leave politics, folks. You heard the buzz the other day that part of this recount effort is keeping Hillary’s options for 2020 open. She doesn’t have any options in 2020. She’s a two-time loser now, other than her Senate win. She’s a two-time loser. This is just to keep the money spigot on. This is just to keep donors coming, ’cause there’s another story today about how donors to the Clinton Foundation are getting testy. They realize they basically set their own money on fire. That $500-some-odd million donated to Hillary on the pretext she was gonna be president is now worthless.

But, Klein noted, this isn’t about installing Hillary as president.  It’s about de-legitimizing Donald Trump:

“The president felt that the progressives were acting stunned and helpless and had to rise out of their stupor and show that they weren’t going to take their defeat lying down,” said the source. “Contesting the results of the election was the best and fastest way to stir the morale and fighting spirit of the demoralized party.

“Obama felt that a recount would plant a seed with the base that the election was somehow dishonest,” the source continued. “He wanted to raise serious questions about the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.”

Richard Baehr explained at the American Thinker:

If this goes to the US House and Senate, and the result is the same as result from the Electoral College without the recounts, why do it?  The answer is to make Trump seem even more illegitimate, that he did not win the popular vote  (he lost by over 2.1 million), he did not win the Electoral College (did not reach 270), and was elected by being inserted into the presidency by members of his own party in Congress.

Remember when Clinton herself said that not accepting the result of an election was a threat to democracy?


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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