
Report reveals 50 of the most dangerous countries in the world to be a Christian

North Korea, Afghanistan, and Somalia are the most dangerous countries in the world to be a Christian, according to a new report by Open Doors, a Christian organization that tracks persecutions of believers around the world.

In their latest report, Communist North Korea came in first, which is no surprise considering the evil antics of dictator Kim Jong-un. The Islamic nation of Afghanistan came in second and Somalia came in third. The Open Doors report ranked nations based on the pressure and the violence against Christians on a daily basis.

The Daily Mail reported:

Researchers found that 1 in 12 Christians worldwide experiences high levels of persecution, with repression by radical Islamic regimes being the main driver. Other causes include weak governments using religious nationalism to prop up their power in places like India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka, and the resurgence of Islam in central Asian countries such as Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

North Korea has topped Open Doors’ list since 2002 thanks to the brutal repression of all religions, but especially Christians, by the Kim regime. Not only are the Kim family leaders of the state, they are also the state religion, and worshipping any deity over them is considered treasonous. Neighbors and family members are encouraged to watch out for suspicious behavior and report it.

Christians, along with Buddhists, form part of the lowest caste of North Korean society, meaning they are subject to constant observation and actively discriminated against when it comes to receiving jobs, getting into college, and being given supplies by the regime.

Afghanistan is Islamic by a constitution, meaning that government officials, ethnic group leaders, religious officials and citizens are hostile toward adherents of any other religion, the report says.

As a result, Christians are deprived of property and businesses while being subjected to beatings and are often killed for practicing their religion.

In Somalia, Islam is also the state religion and all Somalis are expected to follow the faith. Imams and madrasas have stated publicly that there is no room for Christianity in the country, the report says, while militant group al-Shabaab also threatens Christians with death.

During the time the report was being put together, researchers recorded 3,066 instances of Christians being killed 1,252 abductions; 1,020 cases of rape or sexual harassment; and 793 church attacks.

Open Doors defines Christian persecution as being any hostility experienced from the world as a result of one’s identification as a Christian.  From verbal harassment to hostile feelings, attitudes and actions, Christians in areas with severe religious restrictions pay a heavy price for their faith.   Beatings, physical torture, confinement, isolation, rape, severe punishment, imprisonment, slavery, discrimination in education and employment, and even death are just a few examples of the persecution they experience on a daily basis.

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According to The Pew Research Center, over 75% of the world’s population lives in areas with severe religious restrictions (and many of these people are Christians).  Also, according to the United States Department of State, Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in Jesus Christ.

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Fmr. Sgt, USAF Intelligence, NSA/DOD; Studied Cryptology at Community College of the Air Force

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