Proof liberalism an ideology of rage, hate: ‘The Root’ journo wishes Dana Loesch slowly burns to death in car fire
As I’ve repeatedly said since February 2011, liberalism, at its core, is an ideology of insane, bloodthirsty rage and hate. Sadly, liberals prove that assertion correct on just about any given day. The latest to do so is Michael Harriot, a “journalist” with the reliably liberal “The Root,” who said on Twitter he wants to see NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch slowly burn to death in a car crash.
“F**k Dana Loesch,” he began in a tweet initially posted Saturday morning. “I hope she dies in a car fire with the windows open so she doesn’t pass out from smoke asphyxiation and has to burn slow. That is all,” he added.
The tweet has since been deleted, but was captured for posterity:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Loesch, however, took the high road:
God bless, Michael.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) December 22, 2018
She added:
Also, Michael had this to say at @TheRoot , which was happpy to publish. Not sure where he gets that I laughed at anyone, but what a rotten thing to say. Appareny Michael struggles with hate in his heart, which is especially sad to see during this time of year.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) December 22, 2018
He doesn’t struggle with hate, Dana. Hatred is an integral part of being a leftist.
The bottom line is this: If you support the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the Constitution as a whole, Donald Trump, or any conservative agenda item, liberals hate you and they want you dead.
Loesch further stated:
Look, we are all going to have different opinions. Wishing death upon me or anyone else won’t cause me to reconsider my support for the Constitution, in fact, it further makes me glad for my right of self defense. Can we do better than this hatred? God bless.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) December 22, 2018
“We,” meaning rational, thinking, caring human beings, can. I don’t hold out much hope for leftists, however.
It’s also interesting to note that Harriot is a “verified” Twitter user. Which means that he gets to exercise his liberal privilege on Twitter and can say anything without any serious repercussions from the social media company. We all know that if any conservative said anything like this about a leftist, said conservative would be banned for life.
Good question.
Twitchy noted: “There’s classless, and then there’s whatever that tweet is.”
What we’d like to know, however, is this: Does the management of “The Root” approve Harriot’s publicly stated desire to see Loesch slowly burn to death in a car fire?
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