Perpetual outrage machine slams Nikki Haley after getting what it wants on Confederate flag
On Monday, South Carolina Republican Governor Nikki Haley called for the removal of the Confederate battle flag from the grounds of the State House.
In short, the left got what it wanted. Naturally, that’s not enough for the perpetual outrage machine which continued to whine and gripe and moan on Twitter.
Among those not happy with Haley was Joan Walsh, who used the presser to attack the GOP governor:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Nikki Haley is looking too pleased with herself + SC here. It took the assassination of nine African Americans to do the right thing
— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) June 22, 2015
There was more — much more:
Nikki Haley is no bipartisan hero. She simply sees which way the wind is blowing. She’s just another opportunist. Disgusting.
— El Brown (@Carmanjelo) June 23, 2015
Sorry, White America, no cookies for Gov. Nikki Haley finding her moral compass in the face of a titanic PR disaster. #ConfederateFlag
— Craig Ranapia (@CMRanapia) June 22, 2015
Then there was the obligatory jabs at Haley’s race:
One person summed it up quite nicely:
Now, Wal-Mart has bowed to pressure from the machine and has said it will no longer sell merchandise with the battle flag on it.
Walmart's full statement to @CNN on its decision to remove all Confederate flag merchandise from its stores:
— MJ Lee (@mj_lee) June 22, 2015
Twitchy added:
Will that include Lynyrd Skynyrd CDs that feature the Confederate flag in the packaging? Early signs point to “yes”:
I guess Walmart won't be selling Lynyrd Skynyrd CD's anymore.
— Julia McLin Lee (@jlmclin) June 22, 2015
A post at the Right Scoop observed, correctly:
Of course these idiots who were demanding that the confederate flag be taken down from in front of the capitol in South Carolina are now attacking the woman who changed course and is advocating for what they want. Because liberals are just filled with blind stupid rage and they can’t actually be happy ever.
While we’re at it, why don’t we just purge the Civil War from textbooks?
- Charlie Rangel: Tea Party ‘mean, racist people’ who embrace Confederate flag
- Va. Dem. suggests killing Ted Cruz, Nikki Haley, Ann Coulter on Twitter
- Liberalism: An ideology of rage and hate
- Liberalism remains an ideology of genocidal hate and rage
- Occupy sympathizer arrested for threatening to kill SC Governor Nikki Haley
- Liberal graffiti states desire of leftists: ‘Kill all Republicans’
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