Pastor shoots, kills would-be attacker during church service

The left loves to push “Gun Free Zones” as an effective way to prevent violent attacks on innocent people. Of course people with common sense know that maniacs intent on murder seek out locations where they know they will not meet armed resistance.
Statistics show that nearly every mass shooting carried out in the US occurred in one of these so-called “Gun Free Zones.” When you ban guns from public places, you only prevent law-abiding people from protecting themselves and others should an attack happen.
Murder is already against the law, so what makes anyone think slapping a “No Guns Allowed” sign on a building will prevent a madman from bringing one anyway?
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Luckily for himself and his parishioners, a Detroit pastor was packing yesterday when a man armed with a brick and a hammer stormed into the church 15 minutes into the sermon and began threatening the pastor and members of the congregation.
- Elderly veteran saves 16 children from would-be knife-wielding killer
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