
Ouch: David Hogg labeled ‘King of the Snowflakes’ on Twitter

While going through my Twitter feed this morning, I came across a tweet that caught my eye.  It seems that one Twitter user, apparently tired of the demands and “edicts” being handed out by profane teen demagogue David Hogg, decided to label him the “King of the snowflakes.”

“ALL HAIL THE KING OF THE SNOWFLAKES,” the Twitter user said:



Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Others responded:

One person said Hogg reminded her of “Jasper from the 100.”


Another Twitter user suggested calling Hogg the “queen of the puppet brigade.”


Yet another called Hogg a “Punk king.”

Then there was this:

And one person called him the “new leader” of the “Children of the Corn.”


One person suggested:


Sadly, he’s already been given a great deal of leeway by the so-called “mainstream media” which has largely allowed him to smear those with whom he disagrees and spread lies about the NRA and those who support the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

And as we’ve recently seen, Hogg and his blind followers apparently think that free expression only applies to the Parkland student and not to those with a different or critical point of view.

As we reported earlier, conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham triggered Hogg’s inner fascist with a tweet highlighting the fact that he had been rejected from four colleges — something Hogg made known himself.  That prompted Hogg to demand advertisers dump her program, and some — like Rachael Ray’s Nutrish — promptly obeyed.

Ingraham apologized, but Hogg rejected her apology and petulantly demanded she repudiate Fox News.

But there may be something to this title…

Time and again, we’ve seen Hogg issue what can only be described as “edicts” which his followers blindly agreed to obey.

It wasn’t that long ago that he ordered his troops to divest themselves of FedEx stock in an effort to hurt the NRA.  He also told followers to travel to Puerto Rico for spring break instead of Florida.

Furthermore, it seems that his followers blindly support and parrot practically every comment he makes, no matter how demonstrably false or outrageous it may be.  It’s gotten to the point that one could be excused for thinking his supporters would jump off a high-rise for gun control if he gave the order.

We’ve seen “leaders” like this in the past and history has taught us that their reigns never end well…

I’ve also seen many people suggest that if he were simply ignored, he would go away.  That’s a bit like saying if one ignores the flames licking at one’s house, they’ll go away.

Hogg has repeatedly made it clear he’s in this for the long haul.  Those who love America, freedom and the Constitution need to take heed.

This tweet may have been posted tongue-in-cheek, but the danger Hogg and his followers present to the Republic is nothing to laugh at.


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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