Oregon to Fund Sex Change Operations for 15-Year-Old Children

The state of Oregon, in it’s superior wisdom, has decided that 15-year-old children should be allowed to have sex change operations without parental consent. Worse yet, the taxpayers in the rest of the country will get to foot the bill. You see, Oregon is making the operations available through their medicaid program , which gets at least 50% of it’s funding from the federal government.
It won’t be long before so called transgenders begin moving to Oregon for their free sex operation.  The voters who have elected these numbnuts will pay for their ignorance, because they will have to shell out the other half of the Medicaid funds needed to give treatment and gender reassignment surgery.
In Oregon, the age of consent to use a tanning bed is 18 but now the age of consent for a sex change is 15.  Either Oregon or myself are off their rocker.  How many 15-year-old children are mature enough to realize the consequences of what amounts to a permanent change in their body? You can’t get a tattoo at 15 but you can get your weenie whacked.  Does that make sense to you?
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