Open Borders and Banning Fossil Fuels: It’s all Kudzu
Democrats have been pushing for open borders for some time now. It plays well with their base and provides them an opportunity to create a new taxpayer-dependent class of voters. The problem is, just like every other feel-good, Democrat idea, it isn’t working out very well. It’s all kudzu.
Even the New York Times reported that “President Biden’s first immigration crisis has already begun as thousands of families have surged toward the southwestern border in recent weeks, propelled by expectations of a friendlier reception,” not to mention the American taxpayer-funded food, housing, education and healthcare Democrats have promised them.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
It isn’t just the financial burdens illegal immigration impose upon the American taxpayer, there’s the increase of drugs and crime rates and the surge of diseases brought in by unvaccinated immigrants. But the Democrats never think that far ahead. They only look at the immediate objective. The new taxpayer dependent voter base.
On March 4, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., told Newsmax that Biden’s denial of the illegal immigration crisis at our border “was not only predictable, it was predicted.”
“Now, Joe Biden may not think this is a border crisis – I guess because if they don’t believe in borders, they don’t think they can have a border crisis – but any common sense American can see that this is, in effect, open borders,” Cotton told Thursday’s “Rob Schmitt Tonight.”
Come on, man. Joe Biden isn’t all there. He has no idea what’s going on at the border. He’s lucky if he can match his socks by himself. But this is what happens when you have a mentally challenged narcissist pretending he’s really the president while a bunch of squabbling, incompetent string-pullers carry on behind the curtain pretending they know what they’re doing.
The problem with liberals is simple. They never think through any of their stupid ideas.
It’s all Kudzu.
You see, in 1933, the Democratic controlled Congress established the Soil Erosion Service (renamed the Soil Conservation Service then the Natural Resource Conservation Service), and charged them with the task of developing a plan to reduce soil erosion caused by poor farming practices in the South.
Their brilliant idea? Kudzu.
Kudzu, a semi-woody vine native to Japan, grows out of control quickly, spreading through runners (stems that root at the tip when in contact with moist soil), rhizomes and by vines that root at the nodes to form new plants. I mean, you can’t even kill this plant by running it through a food processor. Once established, kudzu grows at a rate of one foot per day, with more mature vines growing as long as 100 feet.
So, the bright folks at the Soil Erosion Service drove across the south and distributed about 85 million kudzu plants to southern landowners to reduce soil erosion and to add nitrogen to the soil.
The Civilian Conservation Corps – also established by the Democratic controlled congress in 1933 — hired men who were unemployed during the Great Depression and had them plant kudzu all throughout the South.
The Democratic controlled government then offered up to $8 per acre as an incentive for farmers to plant kudzu all over their land and by 1946, about 3 million acres of kudzu had been planted on farms throughout the south.
As of 2018, kudzu had covered and killed the vegetation and trees on more than a quarter of a million acres in Alabama alone.
Democrats are also planning on banning the use of fossil fuels. They’re going to save the planet.
Never mind that fossil fuels produce over 60% of the nation’s electricity.
Has any of them thought of what source of energy they going to use to replace the 61% no longer provided by fossil fuels?
Other things to consider:
- How are they going to force people to trash their perfectly good vehicles and purchase and electric car?
- Where are they going to store all of those confiscated, illegal combustion engine vehicles?
- How long will it take and how much will it cost to build charging stations across the country and to create the infrastructure necessary to power to each of those charging stations?
- How much will it cost to make sure the power grids can handle the extreme increase in demand for electricity?
- How are they going to prevent the inevitable blackouts that will come when everyone gets home from work at the same time and plugs in their cars in to charge at the same time?
- Have they figured out a way to make the number of batteries necessary to operate a passenger plane light enough to get it off the ground?
- What are they going to use to replace the thousands of products made from petroleum?
Mining and processing the minerals required to make a battery (nickel, cobalt and lithium), and the manufacturing process of lithium ion batteries themselves, involve substantial emissions of carbon. Then there are the potentially explosive dangers in the production and storage of lithium batteries, and once those batteries wear out, all that extracted, toxic raw material (and the dead battery itself) will all have to be disposed of somewhere.
It’s like when they launched their war against incandescent bulbs because they said they used too much electricity. They wanted to do away with the inexpensive kind of bulb we could just throw away after it burned out and replace them with a more expensive, mercury laden version that requires special disposal procedures and a hazmat team if you break one.
Democrats and their ideas.
It’s all a waste of taxpayer dollars.
It’s all a mistake.
It’s all kudzu.