
Oberlin College Chickens Come Home to Roost

I’ve never lived on a farm, but apparently, it’s a bad day when, “the chickens come home to roost.” For city folks, chickens coming home to roost is roughly the equivalent of effluence hitting the rotating air moving device.

As a recently resolved case demonstrates, wokesters seem to go out of their way to build roosts for returning chickens. That case began in November, 2016 when three black students at Oberlin College in northern Ohio were involved in a theft from Gibson’s Bakery. The bakery owner chased the students down, they were arrested, charged with theft and ultimately pleaded guilty. But that didn’t stop the woke students and administrators at Oberlin from labeling Gibson’s owners as racists, organizing protests and boycotting the bakery. According to several reports, former Dean of Students and college Vice President Meredith Raimondo added fuel to the fire by distributing flyers promoting a boycott and using a megaphone while leading a protest demonstration against the bakery.

As reported in a 2019 article in the Cleveland Jewish News, detailing the $44 million award,

Raimondo and other faculty, including Tita Reed, assistant to the president of Oberlin, “raised their fists in support of the demonstration, while shouting defamatory statements on a bullhorn, thereby assuring that a large audience would hear their defamatory statements,” according to the complaint filed by Allyn W. Gibson and his son, David R. Gibson. The college suspended classes to allow students to protest the bakery and ordered its employees to supply the protesters with free food and drink.

In an August 8, 2023 article, The Daily Mail also reported that Raimondo’s conduct is largely responsible for a jury awarding Gibson’s Bakery $44 million in compensatory and punitive damages in June of 2019. That amount was later reduced to $31 million, but this year, after numerous legal battles, the state supreme court raised the amount to $36.6 million.

Screenshot via Legalinsurrection.com

Oberlin College has paid Gibson’s the full amount of the judgment and is now attempting to send the chickens packing by suing its insurance companies, which have refused to pay Oberlin’s claims (except for one company that paid $1 million). All the gory details can be found on Legalinsurrection.com which has a full play-by-play of Oberlin’s battles with its insurance companies.

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Lexington Insurance Company has refused to pay Oberlin’s claim, citing specific exclusions in its policy. Per the Legal Insurrection report,

The Lexington policy does not provide coverage for “bodily injury” or “property damage” intentionally caused by defendants. While the Lexington policy potentially provides coverage in relation to “personal and advertising injury,” defined to include defamation and/or disparagement in certain circumstances, the Lexington policy excludes any such coverage if “personal and advertising injury” is caused “with the knowledge that the act would violate the rights of another … ,” or if the insured published material it knew to be false. Further, the Lexington policy provides coverage for punitive damages insurable by law, but only where the corresponding award of compensatory damages is also covered by the Lexington policy.

Oberlin’s success in forcing its insurance companies to pay up will depend on the college’s ability to prove that its administrators did not know that published material was false or were unaware that their actions would violate the rights of another. Jury verdicts are as unpredictable as the flight pattern of a butterfly, but it seems that the verdict should be roosting chickens 10, Oberlin College zero. It would have been virtually impossible for college administrators to be unaware that their actions were based on false material or that their actions would violate the rights of another.

Although Raimondo is the only member of the administration that is mentioned as a participant in the protests which accused Gibson’s of racism, most, if not all of the staff had to have been aware of her actions. There is also some chatter from people familiar with the case (where have you heard that phrase before) that at the outset, Gibson’s was merely seeking an apology from Oberlin’s claims/accusations of racism.

But the wokesters at Oberlin refused. It seems they were more interested in making sure the chickens came home to roost. Looks like they got their wish.

(Note- Meredith Raimondo left Oberlin in 2021 and became vice president for student affairs at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta. Former Oberlin president Marvin Krislov resigned in 2017 and took a position at Pace University in New York.)  Wonder if those universities like chickens.



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