Obamacare will limit access to life-saving treatment

The Robert Powell Center for Medical Ethics at the National Right to Life released a report on Thursday that warns that the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) will not allow consumers to spend what they choose on their own health care, including access to life-saving treatments.
As the March 31, 2014 deadline approaches for open enrollment in the insurance exchanges established by Obamacare, the report, “The Affordable Care Act and Health Care Access in the United States” analyzed four key policy areas of Obamacare and concluded that Obamacare would drastically limit access to life-saving medical treatment under the law.
The four areas the center examined includes the “excess benefit” tax coming into effect in 2018, the current exclusion of adequate health Insurance plans from the exchanges, present limits on senior citizens’ ability to use their own money for health insurance, and federal limits on the care doctors give their patients to be implemented as soon as 2016.
Those four policy areas that were examined are:
“Obamacare imposes a 40% excise tax on employer-paid health insurance premiums above a governmental imposed limit that does not keep up with medical inflation. Consequently, insurance companies will be forced to impose increasingly severe restraints on policy-holders’ access to medical diagnosis and treatment—limits that will make it harder to get often-expensive treatments essential to combating life-threatening illnesses.”
“Under Obamacare, consumers using the exchanges may only choose plans offered by insurers who do not allow their customers to spend what government bureaucrats deem an “excessive or unjustified” amount for their health insurance – regardless of whether the insurers offer such plans inside or outside of the exchanges established by the law.”