
Obama cannot lead from behind on Syria


Obama loves to “lead from behind” because it’s a great way to separate himself from the things he does.  It gives him credible plausibility just like it did in Libya.  There he claimed the US involvement was limited to air support.  What he didn’t bother to tell us was that he was giving the air support to Al Qaeda fighters, just as he now wants to do in Syria.

President Obama’s favorite ploy of “leading from behind’ in order to separate himself from his policies, is in big trouble, in the action he has proposed against Syria. British Prime Minister David Cameron was set to lead the attack, but had his wings clipped by Parliament, who wants to see the final UN report before voting for the action. Many other factors are lining up against him and action could be delayed indefinitely.On Wednesday, Obama declared that there was not a shred of doubt that Assad was responsible for the gas attack of his own people

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