Nikki Fried is a Democrat elected to be Florida’s Agricultural Commissioner- a position which oversees Concealed Carry permits in the state. But even though she is in violation of Federal law, she has not been charged for her transgression. She is a medical marijuana user, despite the ATF specifically advising the public that anyone who uses Marijuana cannot possess firearms. Fried owns a firearm.
The state of Minnestoa recently passed a law that legalizes recreational use of marijuana. The ATF decided to advise the public that it is a federal violation to own firearms and be a pot user. Nikki Fried appears to have escaped that restriction.
“The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives provides clarification for gun owners and potential gun owners who may be considering using marijuana given Minnesota’s recent ease on marijuana restrictions, drawing attention to the distinction between state and federal law.
The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 prohibits any person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance as defined by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970 from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition.
Regardless of the recent changes in Minnesota law related to the legalization of marijuana, an individual who is a current user of marijuana is still federally defined as an “unlawful user” of a controlled substance and therefore is prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition.
“Until marijuana is legalized federally, firearms owners and possessors should be mindful that it remains federally illegal to mix marijuana with firearms and ammunition,” said ATF’s Acting Special Agent in Charge Jeff Reed, of the St. Paul Field Division. “As regulators of the firearms industry and enforcers of firearms laws, we felt it was important to remind Minnesotans of this distinction as the marijuana laws adjust here in the State of Minnesota.” ATF letter of clarification on the law that prohibits marijuana users from firearms ownership.
Fried has been a controversial Democrat since she was elected in Florida a few years ago. She completely shut down the portal for concealed weapons permits during the pandemic, and revoked the licenses of anyone attending the Jan 6 event regardless of whether they were ever charged. She was accused of slow-walking permit requests as well. She ran on a platform of being pro-Second Amendment…she is anything but. She ran to ensure “accountability and full background checks.”
It’s not as though ATF is unaware Fried is flaunting the law. In 2019, a daily newspaper in Florida even published a story titled: “Will the feds bust Nikki Fried?” But so far, the ATF has given Fried a complete pass, even though she admitted she possesses firearms, has a valid CWFL and is what ATF’s acting-SAC in St. Paul called an “unlawful user of a controlled substance.”
To date, there have been no late-night “knock-and-talks” at the front door of Fried’s home, even though ATF agents across the country are unconstitutionally intruding on law-abiding gun owners who may have purchased after-market triggers, solvent traps or other firearm accessories.
And don’t forget Hunter. The ATF and federal prosecutors have been investigating the false statements he made when he purchased a handgun in Delaware for more than five years, while others who are not the president’s son have been sentenced to federal prison for the same offenses.
Nikki Fried is a snake in the hen house. The ATF will not likely charge her, regardless of their own letter of advisement. As a ‘high profile Democrat’ she appears to get away with things that ordinary citizens cannot. Florida didn’t elect her governor in 2021, but we sincerely hope they will un-elect her from her current position.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
- Florida AG Commissioner Nikki Fried Suspended 22 CCW Licenses for Those Who Were in DC on Jan 6.
- How Florida’s Nikki Fried Prevents Legal Gun Owners from Keeping Their Permits
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