
N.D. State Legislature Passes Bill That Takes Aim At Biden’s Trans Sports Participation EO

Back when blue States flexed local legislative authority to advance abortion issues, against potential federal interference, the left cheered. Surely they will love this too … right?

Of course not. They only cheer the political machinations when they help ratchet leftist policy tighter. When the pendulum swings the other way, they squeal like a stuck pig.

The state legislature of North Dakota has just passed a bill that will come into direct conflict with Joe Biden’s fiat about the right of those who are physiologically masculine to compete against female athletes in gender-segregated sports.

Now, everyone who’s seen the School House Rock video knows that a bill passing through State Legislature still has a long road to go, but that still means it’s passed its first big hurdle.

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The North Dakota state House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday that requires school athletes to participate on sports teams that correspond with their biological sex.

HB 1298 passed the state’s lower chamber 65-26 and is now slated to head to the state Senate, according to the Grand Forks Herald. — DAILYWIRE

There is an inherent problem with the left’s habit of defining every problem in terms of being a ‘rights’ issue. They rely heavily on creating a ‘right’, and framing anyone who opposes the adoption of this newly-minted right as an oppressor hellbent on infringing on that right.

It demands all parties adopt a binary moral system that seldom exists in real-world situations.

Moral dilemmas of any worth seldom pit a ‘good’ against an ‘evil’. They pit one ‘good’ against a rival ‘good’.

In this case, the conflict comes between recognizing one group in the manner they would like to be recognized, and allowing the spirit of fair competition between people of comparable natural ability.

A quick comparison of the significant gap in athletic records set by top-tier male and female athletes makes the argument for why the ladies need a separate place to compete, ‘best-on-best’ against one another.

Introducing athletes into ladies’ competition with masculine physiology totally destroys that model, as some young athletes have already discovered, with young women watching athletes who would not have been permitted to compete in their group just a few years ago run away with championships.

This has real-world implications, including scholarships.

What specifically does this address? The same article cited their earlier reporting on the details:

HB302, titled the Preserving Sports for Female Students bill, passed on an 8-6 vote and was introduced by state Rep. Kera Birkeland, according to The Salt Lake Tribune. If passed, it would require all schools to delineate whether sports are “male,” “female,” or “coed.”

The bill, which defines sex as the “biological, physical condition of being male or female, determined by an individual’s genetics and anatomy at birth,” would forbid biological males from competing in female sports, regardless of their gender identity. The bill will subsequently move to a full House vote. — DailyWire

Male, female or coed sports? Seems reasonable.

After all, if women’s sports were designed as a concession acknowledging they couldn’t compete on equal footing with men’s achievement benchmarks, why is the justification for removing those same protections just because identity politics are pressuring them to do so?

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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