
MUST WATCH: Pres. Trump Amplifies Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ Claims in Truth Social Post – Suggests Space Force Has Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud:

“Trump Knew if He Presented Any of the Goods Early On, We’d Have a CIVIL WAR” +

REGARDLESS of a cacophony of ear-splitting screams and howls that the 2020 electoral steal was a so-called conspiracy theory, nothing could be further from the truth. The evidence is overwhelming.

IN reality, the above links are merely a smidgen of the proofs and trails of the 2020 electoral steal.

ALAS, is it any surprise that here we go again!?

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MUST WATCH: Pres. Trump Amplifies Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ Claims in Truth Social Post – Suggests Space Force Has Evidence of 2020 Election Fraud: “Trump Knew if He Presented Any of the Goods Early On, We’d Have a CIVIL WAR”

In a recent post on his social media platform, Truth Social, former President Donald Trump praised the analysis and comments made by Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes during a recent interview.

Halper-Hayes, a former Global Vice President of Republicans Overseas UK, made headlines with her statements during an appearance with a British morning news show, Breakfast with Stephen and Ellie, last Thursday.

Halper-Hayes pushed back against the widely held belief that Trump’s case is based solely on political conspiracy theories, arguing that there are significant questions about election integrity that require attention. She further contended that the current indictment has inadvertently given Trump a platform to present his case and expose possible election irregularities.

During the interview, Halper-Hayes claimed to be part of a Department of Defense (DoD) Task Force, asserting that Space Force had evidence proving the fraudulent nature of the 2020 election. Of course, The Gateway Pundit can neither confirm nor deny these allegations at this time.

According to Halper-Hayes, Trump had chosen not to disclose such evidence early to prevent civil unrest, believing it could lead to a civil war.

“I sit on a task force at the Department of Defense, and the thing is, they’ve got the goods. They’ve got the goods. And Trump knew that if he presented any of the goods early on, we’d have a civil war, that he really felt that the people needed to see how bad it could get,” said Halper-Hayes.

“See, the thing is, think about Edward Snowden and all the information he had. Think about the fact that our military, our Department of Defense Space Force, if you think that they don’t have the actual real results from the election, then you’re fooling yourself,” said Halper-Hayes.

{Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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