
Muslim Woman Refuses to Remove Niqab in Front of Judge

Munich, Germany- Amira Behari,43, accused a 59 year old man of verbally abusing (racism) her on a train in Germany. During the first trial last year, she came wearing a full niqab, covered head to toe with only a slit for the eyes. She was also wearing a long leather coat and gloves. Which didn’t set well with Judge Thomas Mueller.

The judge told her he needed to see her face to judge her emotions during the trial.

“I need to see you otherwise there will be considerable problems in adjudicating your case.” Judge Thomas Mueller

This is how she arrived at the first trial last year

But Amira Behari refused to remove the covering. She stated that Islam was her faith and she was not allowed to remove it.  “I have a God at the end of the world who will see me right at the end. I will not do this.”

The judge no choice but to render a verdict of not guilty.

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The prosecution then appealed the verdict.

Breitbart reported,

The appeal was successful but the issue still remains for Behari to remove her veil. This time the original charges against ‘Kai O’ will not be dropped, but rather new charges will be brought forward if she [Behari] does not cooperate with the court.

The retrial was set for March 17.

The retrial

The Daily Mail reported that Behari finally agreed to remove her veil at the retrial on March 17. The Munich prosecutor had researched Islamic scholars and learned that the niqab may be removed for adjudication purposes.

She arrived at the court, still covered with the niqab, and was escorted by a female police officer to testify in front of a female judge.

Amira Behari- center right- arrives in court with an escort

Judge Claudia Bauer gave her the option of removing her niqab or dropping the charges. She chose to testify with the veil removed. Had she not done so, she would have faced contempt charges.

Behari had accused the man of “attacking” her  by shouting, “you people are a***holes” at her, and then adding “you don’t belong here.”

When the judge directly asked her if she had ever been insulted on the street. She replied, “Why does that matter to you?” Then proceeded to tell her she’d been spat on and insulted often.

Her attitude likely influenced the verdict.

In the end, this judge sided with the defendant and again rendered a not guilty verdict.

The wearing of niqabs or burqas is indicative of people who have not assimilated into Western culture. The full body covering is a sign of sheer radicalism to the western eye. Behari’s answer to the retrial judge when asked about her experience on the street reeked of a poor attitude. If they want to be treated well by Westerners, they should a) take the chip off their shoulders, and b) stop wearing symbols of the subjugation of women.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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