CONTINUOUSLY, akin to the beating of never-ending war drums, this (acknowledged) Muslim Brotherhood expert blares one alarm bell after another – re this and that Brotherhood Mafia tentacled hydra. Headache-inducing. Dizzying. A vicious cycle.
OCTOPUS-like, their many appendages wrap around the nation. Still yet, two remain prominent. Super-stars.
AS it happens, CAIR (the MB’s/Hamas’ propaganda arm) and the Muslim Student Association (A/K/A MSA, a very powerful Brotherhood front across U.S. and Canadian campuses) qualify as “stand-outs.” To wit, they warrant the utmost (no bullsh*t) scrutiny.
BUT before we head to the latest MSA Jihadi, it is imperative to remind readers of this expert’s recent (February 1, 2018) analysis, “Trends/Adaptations In Jihadi Tactics: Intel Overview” because it targeted this very danger!
As promised, fresh from today’s action, a generalized overview of the Tel Aviv-based “Invite-Only” Intelligence Conference (9:30 -12:30 PM) can be found below. Again, it is forbidden (and for more than good reason) to reveal specifics – relative to Intel shared within the contours of my consultancy and elsewhere. Even so, my task is akin to a high-wire balancing act – never mind that I am hardly fond of heights!
Effectively, the upshot revolves around updates in “trends and concomitant adaptions” utilized by Muhammedans, sans giving away operational methods and tactics. Hmm.
That said, a backdrop to my arrival at the conference is in order, even before presenting its bullet points. Ergo, even though I am very experienced in this domain, I was shocked by the security precautions implemented to ensure its privacy, as well as the safety of attendees. While security, for the most part, is taken seriously in Israel, normally, an Intel conference would merit all due consideration. On the other hand, my thought process became: Since the public is kept in the dark re this privately-held Homeland Security entity – consequentially, its physical address and players remain “in the shadows” – therefore, basic measures should suffice. Not so fast. A “sanitized” perimeter was part of the security protocol. This is all well and good. Enough said.
Onto the generalized overview….
- The latest in newly developed – as well as recently refined – aspects of “frontal Jihad” was discussed in detail. But since it is hardly in the interests of western security – never mind those fighting Jihad, especially, counter-terror/counter intelligence operatives behind enemy lines – to give away what they have discovered, in tandem with action plans to counteract the threats, this topic remains a verboten area. Sterile.
- Moving on, “soft terror” – the mid-line axis on the continuum between “frontal and stealth Jihad” – was highlighted. Incontrovertibly, it is open for discussion. As such, it must be understood as another “front-line tactic and trend”, in so far that the western public has been drafted to the front lines – willingly or not. Hence, the better equipped knowledge-wise, well, the more powerful the push-back will be – in whichever sphere it rears its dangerous head. Inestimably, this aspect is so critical that it cannot be overestimated. Overemphasized.
- Along these lines, whereas “frontal Jihad” is self-explanatory, “stealth Jihad“, its ever-present, lurking companion, is very much a mystery and misunderstood – even though, increasingly, it is becoming part of the verbiage within the so-called “war on terror.” So much so, one of my first assignments from the entity’s CEO was to tackle this “amorphous” front. To wit, “Stealth Jihad Encircles America: An Analytical Report” (July 2017) was prepared. For expediency sake – and not to “rework the wheel”, so to speak – I highly recommend its basis as an elemental lesson learned: Intro Course 101.
- As per the insidious and increasingly dangerous tactic of “soft terror“: While it has always been a part of the Jihadi arsenal, its “face” is amply obscured – akin to its stealthy cousin – even though accompanied by frontal attacks. How can this be?
- In other words, its underbelly often accompanies a “normalized” facade, irrespective of whether it belongs to a male or female; a MBY (Muslim By Birth); a convert; a home-grown Muhammedan; an immigrant/refugee, or any hybrid thereof. The point being, this list includes all those who have “submitted to the will of Allah.” Simple as that.
- Of special note: The dangers accrued from Islamic students (native and foreign- born) on U.S./Canadian campuses was discussed at great length. They were given as much dissection time as Arab “Palestinians” within Israeli campuses, Israel’s cross to bear. A fixed target was placed on U.S./Canadian universities via their alignment with the MSA (Muslim Student Association); one of the very first front groups set up by the Saudi-backed Brotherhood Mafia. Know that the MSA has a ubiquitous (and very powerful) presence on almost every campus across North America. Inextricably, said students are able to “fly under the radar”, that is, until they become infamous. MIT’s Aafia Siddiqui, a 9/11/01 plotter, is Exhibit Number One, having been on the Board of its MSA – one of many such “accomplished” Jihadis!
- Alas, an incalculable amount do not attain infamy, nevertheless, they were zeroed in on as subjects of “special concern” – vis-à-vis “soft terror.” Take the most recent case of Tnuza Jamal Hassan, 19, a former student at Saint Catherine’s University (oh, the irony…a multi-culti Catholic U embraced her) in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Briefly, she was arrested on January 17, 2018 for first-degree arson, having set multiple fires across campus because she was “mad” at the way the U.S. treats Muslims and wanted to “hurt people” – even little ones housed in a university daycare center!! Incidentally, an associate, a counterintelligence operative, is “on assignment” to check out rumblings that Tnuza has “international connections” – a euphemism used for contact with a major Jihadi hydra. BTW, a meticulously developed compendium of such students is part of the addendum/exhibits attached to my policy paper.
- Stipulated, the appendage of “soft terror” is more than apt. But for the grace of G-d, their Jihadi tactics haven’t reached the level of “maximum effectiveness.” Trust, in due course, by the calculus of sheer numbers, “soft Jihadis” will tip the “balance of terror” straight into the “lead” column of “frontal Jihad.” Meanwhile, “stealth Jihadists” operate freely throughout every sphere of influence – and their damage is incalculable.
- Still yet, it was stressed: Although students are in the forefront, they are not “lone soldiers” for Jihad. Throughout the U.S. (and the entire west), evidence abounds of “everyday” followers of Islam carrying out Muhammad’s war-like Koranic dictates. Thrusts.
- Consider: The first Surah (Chapter), Al-Fatimah, is invoked 17 ! times a day, and its supplication to Allah includes: “The path of those You (Allah) bestowed favors upon, not those who have incurred your wrath and those who deviated.” Now, every devoted Muslim – once they reach the age of understanding – is indoctrinated into the imperative from this repetitious Surah: Jews and Christians have angered Allah, therefore, they must be killed. Even more so, Jews are a “special” target, for Allah turned them into monkeys and pigs! This admonition can be found in Suras 2:65, 5:60, and 7:166. Indeed, know thy Koran well. Besides, it will clear through the smoke and mirrors. By extrapolation, is it any wonder that Muhammedans keep attacking “infidels” – and with no end in sight??
Most significantly, each Jihadi expert in attendance mirrored the same: As a starting point, unless President Trump – as the leader of the free world – declares the Muslim Brotherhood a terror organization (per Congressional Act S.68, currently, languishing in limbo), Jihad, on every level, will march on unopposed…… – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjizRaXMwsk
WITH all due urgency, patriots must absorb the following Jihadi’s plot against America, and juxtapose it against the above cited Intel report. In other words, MSA’s Muhanad Mahmoud al Farekh had every intention of exploding stateside, once his overseas al-Qaeda mission was complete! It goes without saying, Canada was in his (and co-conspirators) cross-hairs too.
Muhanad Mahmoud al Farekh, 32, of Houston, was sentenced today to 45 years following his Sept. 29, 2017 trial conviction of multiple offenses covering seven years of terrorist conduct, including conspiracy to murder American military personnel in Afghanistan, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, conspiracy to bomb a government facility and providing material support to al-Qaeda.
“With the sentence handed down today, al Qaeda terrorist Muhanad Mahmoud Al Farekh is being held accountable for his crimes. Farekh – an American citizen – traveled overseas, joined al Qaeda, and conspired to kill Americans, including through an attack using explosive devices on a U.S. military installation in Afghanistan in 2009,” said Assistant Attorney General Demers.
“Farekh, a citizen of this country, turned his back on America by joining al-Qaeda and trying to kill American soldiers in a bomb attack on a U.S. military base in Afghanistan.” stated United States Attorney Donoghue.
As proven at trial, in March 2007, Farekh and two co-conspirators, all of whom were students at the University of Manitoba, departed Canada for Pakistan with the intention of fighting against American forces overseas. Before traveling overseas, Farekh and his co-conspirators watched video recordings encouraging violent jihad, listened to jihadist lectures by now-deceased al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar al-Awlaqi, and came to embrace a violent, extremist view of Islam.
Farekh and his co-conspirators traveled to the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, an area in the northern part of Pakistan that borders Afghanistan and is home to al-Qaeda’s base of operations, where they joined and received training from al-Qaeda. Taking advantage of his familiarity with the West, Farekh became a member of, and ultimately ascended to, a leadership role within al-Qaeda’s external operations group, which specialized in planning and executing attacks against the U.S. and its Western allies.
In January 2009, Farekh helped to build a vehicle-borne, improvised explosive device (VBIED) that was used in an attack on Forward Operating Base Chapman (FOB Chapman), a U.S. military installation that served as the base for the U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team in Khost, Afghanistan. On January 19, 2009, two explosives-laden vehicles approached the fence line of FOB Chapman. At the gate, the first vehicle, a pickup-sized truck, exploded after its operator detonated the VBIED. The second vehicle, a truck that was carrying approximately 7,500 pounds of explosives, became stuck in the blast crater caused by the first explosion. The driver abandoned his vehicle without detonating the VBIED, and was shot and killed by local security personnel. The initial detonation of the first vehicle injured one U.S. serviceman and numerous Afghan nationals. Forensic technicians recovered 18 latent fingerprints that were determined to be a match to Farekh from adhesive packing tape used to bind together the explosive materials of the second, undetonated VBIED.
According to CNN:
Al Farekh was born in Houston and grew up in Dubai. According to the US Attorney’s Office, he attended the University of Manitoba in Canada between 2005 and 2007, and there became friends with co-conspirators — and later fellow al Qaeda members — Ferid Imam and Maiwand Yar.
What did the terror-trio do at the University of Manitoba? As noted at the time of his arrest, al Farekh joined the jihadi-spawning Muslim Student Association (MSA) – click to read list:
Two other individuals went with Muhanad Mahmoud Al Farekh to train with Al Qaeda in Pakistan in 2007. All three were former leaders of the Muslim Students Association at the University of Manitoba. Al Farekh and Maiwand Yar are identified as such on the MSA Manitoba 2005-2006 Executive Body webpage. In 2010, the third individual, Ferid Imam, was identified as a former MSA Manitoba president by another former president of the association, Shariq Kidwai
MIND you, the above Intel report not only targeted the MSA as a clear and present danger, but emphasized that the origin of this or that Muhammedan is inconsequential. Again, ” In other words, its underbelly often accompanies a “normalized” facade, irrespective of whether it belongs to a male or female; a MBY (Muslim By Birth); a convert; a home-grown Muhammedan; an immigrant/refugee, or any hybrid thereof. The point being, this list includes all those who have “submitted to the will of Allah.”
AS repeatedly warned, it has never been more urgent for President Trump to sign into law Congressional Act S.68, finally, designating the Brotherhood Mafia (the titular head of global Islamic Jihad) a terror organization. By this very nation-saving action, it would place a stake in the heart of the MSA, CAIR, and each and every Brotherhood hydra!
KNOW this: When those of us who operate in the filthy Jihadi muck issue clarion calls, patriots (and non-comatose leaders) would be well advised to pay heed. If not, the inevitable consequences will be unthinkable. Guaranteed.
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