
MSNBC Unknowingly Gives Americans A GREAT Reason To Vote For Trump: ‘Morning Joe’ May CEASE To Exist! (Video)

MSNBC, as I have repeatedly said for over a decade, is the official network of insane liberal rage, hate, and stupid, lying liberal propaganda.  On Friday, frequent MSNBC guest and wannabe tough guy Donny Deutsch gave America a terrific reason to vote for Trump.  According to Deutsch, if Trump wins, “Morning Joe” would CEASE TO EXIST!

“‘Morning Joe’ might, just to take a little example, ‘Morning Joe’ might not exist anymore because Donald Trump has said, as all autocrats say, what they will do,” he claimed without any evidence whatsoever.

“And he said, ‘If I’m elected, I want the FCC reporting directly into me.’ And he will cancel the show. I mean, you need to think that, excuse me, that extreme, it’s over. Freedom is over if Donald Trump gets elected, it’s that simple. No other issue matters. Every other issue sprinkles down from that. However you feel about the economy. However, you feel about whatever issue you are dealing with, we turn into an autocracy. What our forefathers fought for 250 years ago is over. That’s what’s at stake in this election. Everything else is a subtext to that.”

As Twitchy might say, “Argle Bargle Rar!”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Here’s video of Deutsch’s fact-free claim:

I have to agree with a post at Red State by Nick Arama:

I have to say this made me laugh. A lot.

First, the claim is nonsense. Second, many pointed out the FCC doesn’t have the authority over cable. Third, have they checked who the autocrats are? It isn’t Trump who was going after his political opponents; that’s the Biden administration. Did they miss the Russia collusion hoax and the weaponization of government against Trump even there, not to mention all the recent stuff? Or how about the suppression of speech that they didn’t like, like the Hunter Biden laptop? Talk about “autocrats.”

But oh, how unintentionally funny this is, and what an ad for Trump! This would make more people run out the door and stand in line twice to vote for Trump. Add in The View as well, and it would likely become a landslide. Don’t threaten me with a good time, as they say.

In other words, Deutsch just gave America a great reason to vote for Trump.

Others had thoughts:

I might vote for him three times if that happened…

Well, they’re liberals on MSNBC, so “nuts” kinda goes with the territory.

Remember, this is the same Donny Deutsch who said Democrats should act as if they are in a war with Trump supporters, and put Trump in prison for no reason whatsoever.

The level of violence-inciting stupid demonstrated by MSNBC will no doubt increase exponentially between now and the election.

Stand by…


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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