Point blank…our beloved America is in trouble…big trouble…as scandal after scandal concerning this administration rock us to our very core. And on top of the ever-growing list of scandals we have insult after insult being lobbed at Israel…America’s closest ally NOT only in the Middle East but in the world. And the latest is Obama’s recently telling a meeting of American Jewish leaders that he will NOT meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu until after a nuclear agreement with Iran is reached, and we know why. Why…because Barack HUSSEIN Obama fears such a meeting would have Netanyahu rightfully and in public calling to task his failed Middle-East policies thus jeopardizing his sell-out and capitulation to his fellow islamists in Iran.
But the insult of all insults is Uncle Joe ‘Bite-Me’ Biden last week attending a reception in recognition of Israel’s Independence Day and having the unmitigated gall to say that, “No president has ever done more to protect Israel’s security than President Barack Obama.” Does ‘Uncle Joe’ really think we’re all as stupid and gullible as he is…I mean really.
And if the Obama administration’s recent actions and words against America’s closest ally was NOT bad enough…and if Hillary’s many scandals do NOT add even more insult to injury…now coming to light is that ‘We the People’ and our beloved country were screwed yet again by this man’s policies and politics…and true to form the media is trying its best to make sure it’s all kept hush-hushed.
And, sadly, it’s a screwing being aided by a Republican-controlled Congress…most specifically the Senate Finance Committee…too afraid of the race card being used against them to dare cross Obama or NOT give him what he wants.
So to that affect on April 16, 2015, Congress, working through the Ways & Means Committee, gave this most traitorous of all presidents authority to unilaterally affect…to ‘fast track’*…international trade agreements that would allow foreign corporations to sue the U.S. government for actions that undermine their investment ‘expectations’…as in their ‘expected’ but NOT proven future profits. Known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)** Obama will have…once this is passed…the full authority to move forward with final negotiations on agreements that could lead to a major…and I mean major…increase in the number of foreign workers coming into the U.S. and that in turn would allow for a corresponding possible loss of U.S. sovereignty…possibly giving Obama, the U.N., or a combination of both, complete control over U.S. immigration policy.
As if we do NOT have enough trouble with immigration as it is…as if our economy and jobs numbers are NOT dismal enough…and now there is but 90 ‘fast tracked’ days for Congress to either approve or reject in full this monstrosity…and know it will most assuredly pass as this Congress has proven time and again that they do NOT have the courage nor the fortitude to stand strong against Obama
Remember, the TPP is akin to the other very ‘questionable’ free trade agreements that were put into place…agreements like NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement where 700,000 American jobs were lost); KFTA (Korean Free Trade Agreement where 70,000 jobs were lost), and the PNTR with China (Permanent Normalized Trade Agreement where 2.7 million American jobs were lost)…all being agreements that forced American workers to compete with and then lose to low-wage workers world wide.
And while it appears that the TPP is being touted to Congress as a plan to strengthen U.S. economic presence in Asia, and with its for now deliberate excluding China in this agreement, Obama is trying to make the case that this deal would allow the U.S. an excuse to intervene in trade disputes in the oil-rich South China Sea. But the ugly truth is that the TPPs financial deregulation measures would actually allow giant, multinational corporations…including oil mega-giants…to bypass our country’s legal system thus negating any positives this deal might have once had.
But NOT to be forgotten is that the TPP is NOT a treaty per se, meaning a final ‘yea’ vote by Congress would result in agreements that could NOT be amended, filibustered, or ‘adjusted’ by U.S. legislation. And with it having NO expiration date this makes the TPP virtually impossible to be either repealed or altered in any way without a consensus of all the countries that agreed to it. In turn, simply put, this would allow the TPP to easily become international law allowing American jobs and production capacity to easily flow over towards other countries, while giving Obama free reign to change our current immigration laws in regards to employment as they are laid down in the agreements
And did I mention that the TPP is being conducted under a cloak of secrecy…par for the Obama regime of course…with members of Congress who have seen the deal NOT allowed to disclose what’s in it and with the rest of Congress having little information on the specifics they are voting on yet they are voting on it anyway…shades of the ObamaCare vote come back to haunt and we know well how that worked out for us now don’t we.
And with the media helping to spread Obama’s lie that the TPP will increase trade and generate new jobs for Americans, the fact is that NOTHING could be farther from the truth as the TPP actually…like the other above mentioned free trade agreements…favors foreign workers over higher paid American workers because it directly allows for even more outsourcing of jobs than there currently is by its undercutting of worker rights; its dismantling of Americans labor laws along with environmental, health (TPP will make prescription generic drugs more expensive and less available), food safety, and financial laws (like the ‘Buy American’ laws that require the federal government to buy goods and services that are made in America or mostly made in this country); plus it brings American job growth and much needed export growth to a virtual stand still: and this is extremely critical…the TPP allows foreign corporations to challenge our laws in international tribunals instead of in our court system…and we all know how international tribunals tend to be decidedly anti-American in their decisions.
So while Congress can still say ‘nay’ to the entire deal when the final vote is taken I would NOT count on it as they have gone back on all their promises made to ‘We the People’ to date…remember they just confirmed Loretta Lynch (Eric Holder in a skirt)…making the dangers TPP poses to America second in their eyes to Obama’s wishes.
Sad isn’t it and sadder still is that Congress is now ‘red.’
But there is an unexpected surprise here as even some Democrats are having problems with the TPP, most specifically with its labor standards specifications, along with the extent to which said standards will be enforceable. Remember, Democrats and organized labor want the TPP to force compliance with the International Labor Organization standards, which apparently will NOT be the case. So if TPP adopts weak or unenforceable labor requirements, American jobs and production would funnel over towards other countries in the trade pact more quickly than expected, and that will NOT sit well with the American voting public.
And both the Republicans and the Democrats know that for this agreement to work that the TPP must address the currency issue itself, meaning the U.S. dollar must remain strong comparative wise to the currencies of the other TPP countries or there will be even more incentives for major American companies to move offshore…as in to countries NOT part of the TPP…where the government will use competitive devaluation as a tool that will NOT be in our favor. And this issue has NOT been addressed at all by anyone.
So the bottom line with the TPP is this…the Trans-Pacific Partnership as it now stands is a bad idea for this country NOT because the basic concept of free trade is in and of itself such a terrible idea, but because Barack HUSSEIN Obama in his capacity as president had the chance to protect the American worker from the harm…as in the loss of jobs…he knew would come from this agreement. And that along with the fact that he completely turned his back on the chance to work with the majority of Republicans who support congressional action regarding more spending on worker training and infrastructure programs that help to ensure economic growth here at home by tying it to the TPP…just proves that as always what’s good for America will always NOT be good for Obama or for his anti-America agenda.
And with Mr. ‘I Will Fundamentally Transform America’ that truth is plain for all to see.
* Once this fast-track is enacted, only the Senate Finance Committee or House Ways & Means Committee can derail it by reverting it back to a 60-vote requirement before the final vote by negatively reporting out the implementing language of TPP. But that resolution would NOT be ‘privileged’ meaning House Speaker John Boehner or Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could simply decline to bring it for a floor vote, thus keeping the ‘fast track’ in place. And sadly, both are in favor of TPP being the good little RINOS that they are.
** The TPP nations are Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the U.S., and Vietnam.