
Montana Family’s ‘Trump 2020’ Flags Were Burned In Their Yard As Their Children Slept (Video)

Trump-haters are everywhere–even in the reddest of red states.

As we’ve said many times on ClashDaily, Trump Derangement Syndrome™ is a global pandemic.

Sure, there are more of nutty Libs in big, Democrat-run cities, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t the occasional unhinged extremist in Normalville, U.S.A.

Julia and Robert O’Rourke found in a rather frightening way that there was one such individual in their small town of Three Forks, Montana. Three Forks is town of about 2,000 located 30 miles northwest of Bozeman.

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A man walked onto their property overnight, took down their pro-Trump flags, and burned them just a few feet away from the house on the front lawn.

When the O’Rourkes and their 4 kids woke up the next morning, they found that their flags were gone and a pile of smoking ash was on their front lawn.

Julia said, “None of us knew! We woke up to a charred pile of flag in our yard, and had no idea.”

When they checked the surveillance footage, they saw a man stumbling up to their home, removing the flags and setting them ablaze.

The Montana Republican Party caught wind of the story and shared the local news report on Twitter with the caption, “This Montana family had their #Trump2020 flags burned in their yard as their children slept. The liberal mob isn’t just in cities across the country, it’s right here in Montana and it’s threatening the safety of freedom-loving Montanans. #mtpol #mtnews”

What concerned Julia the most was the danger that this had posed to her family.

“I felt violated, I felt that my kids’ and my life and my husband’s life were in danger. It could have easily burned my house down. There was a fire ban and as close as it was to the house, it was very eerie,” said Julia.

According to Lifezette, the O’Rourke family home was built in 1907 and has never been renovated. If the fire had spread to the home, Julia believes that they never would have known.

While this was covered on local news, it didn’t make national headlines.

Police identified Eric Herrera from the surveillance footage and cited him with a misdemeanor for criminal mischief.

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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