
Missile Strikes Against Syrian Chemical Weapons Targets

Twitter chart showing the assets of three nations in the area

The US, France and UK operated together to drop 105 missiles on Syrian chemical weapons targets Friday night. The strikes were specifically designed to degrade the Assad regime’s chemical weapons capabilities. SecDef James Mattis told reporters that it was a twice the size of the strike last year but did not widen the targets to cause regime change.

General Dunford told reporters that three specific targets were hit in a precision strike in order to mitigate the amount of collateral damage.

• A Scientific research center near Damascus
• A Chem weapons storage facility near Homs
• A Storage facility, command post in same area

He stated they used the normal “deconfliction channels” to clear the airspace in the target region.

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Mattis stated that there was no evidence of Russian retaliation so far, only Syrian air defense batteries. But they are waiting with a large number of “assets” in the area to keep an eye on any movement of Russian forces or aircraft.

Russia called it an aggression, and Syria claimed to have shot down numerous tomahawk missiles. The Russian State news agency, Tass, claimed that there were no casualties from the airstrikes.

Tonight, @POTUS Donald J. Trump addressed the nation to announce a combined operation- with the #UnitedKingdom and #France– of precision strikes against sites associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of the #Assad regime in #Syria. pic.twitter.com/m0H3Pk8Dh1

Department of Defense video shows Tomahawk missile launching from warship during allied military strikes in Syria. pic.twitter.com/z1s4TAqPrl

Footage from #Damascus shows air defence missiles being launched. Location not specified. #SyriaStrikes pic.twitter.com/EqTUYBeNq0

According to Pentagon Spokesperson Dana White at a Press Briefing Saturday morning, there has been a “2000+ increase in Russian trolls” bringing disinformation since the airstrikes last night. The Pentagon mentioned on Friday that they had already been preparing for a major disinformation campaign. There are trolls, there are “resistance” anti-Trump haters, there are a lot of idiots. We’re not giving them a voice here.

Breaking: Video shows coalition air strikes against Syrian regime targets in Damascus, Syria. pic.twitter.com/HQA97gmuWy

#Syrian Missile defence system activated against #US strikes #Syria #SyriaCrisis #SyriaStrikes #Russia #Iran #Trump #Damascus #Syrian #SyriaStrikes pic.twitter.com/zMI20ooFh9

Chemical Weapons Attacks:

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children




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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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