MINNESOTASTAN, A Foreshadowing, If Islam’s Barbarians Aren’t Halted Within America – Forthwith! What Can Be Done?

Author, Adina Kutnicki
WHEN it comes to internalizing what lies in wait, there is little more resonant and indicative, other than what has already taken place. As is said, past is prologue.
THAT being established, one needn’t be steeped in the jihadi muck, nor an expert in Islamic terrorism, to understand that Allah’s Muslim terrorists are continuously on the march. Upswing.
AS a matter of record, an increasing amount of Mohammedans have stepped up their attack-modes within America (Europe alike), most recently at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub in June 2016. In fact, its carnage was the largest since 9/11/01. Indeed, a prevailing indicator.
EVEN more so, a foreshadowing to the awaiting carnage must be viewed through the cumulative, overriding, and overarching evidence housed at this site. Impenetrable. Bullet-proof.
IN this regard, even if one is delusional enough to believe that Orlando’s Islamic- inspired carnage was a fluke, well, the non-comatose should wade through more than a few jihadi rife states to figure out what’s what.
BUT if one exhibit stands out as a pre-indicator – that is, without even factoring in the awaiting, stepped-up, jihad due to upwards of 110,00 ! thousand of hijrah-driven “refugees” on tap from Islam’s hotbed(s) in the Mid East – look no further than to the years of infestation and penetration of Somalis in America!!
DEMONSTRABLY, the following should be considered this site’s short list:
- Minnesota has already bowed to Islam, concomitantly, non-Muslims are exhorted: go to hell!
- Indeed, Somalis top the FBI’s Most Wanted List, and they are hiding in plain sight!
- Yes, America is in grave danger, and Somalis are part and parcel to the jihadi peril. Encirclement.
SO, how shocking is it to find out that Somali jihadis are terrorizing to rape women within Minnesotastan?
A mob of around 30 young Somali Muslim men terrorized an upscale community near the Lake Calhoun area earlier last week. “They were screaming at the house that they were going to kidnap you and they were going to rape you,” said one Minneapolis resident, “It was a very traumatizing experience.”
Most of the Somali Muslims who live in Minnesota are Sunni Muslim and residents saythis is not the first time mobs have showed up to frighten the town, which is filled with million dollar homes. The U.S. State Department, working with the United Nations, has permanently resettled more than 132,000 Somali ”refugees” into dozens of American cities since 1983, according to federal data collected by the State Department.
AS oft analyzed at these pages, within interviews, and a recently released book on the subject matter of militant Islamic jihad, without a clear understanding of Islam’s “prophet”, Muhammad, it is impossible to truly recognize the impending dangers at bay.
FOR when one accepts that the core problem of Islam lies in the absolute belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him, intrinsically, that the Koran is God’s word, it becomes clear as to why countless, millions upon millions, Muslims act on the many incitements to violence within its pages.
NOT only that, Europe’s rapid fall to Islam should not only serve as a primary foreshadowing to America’s freedom-based demise, but it should scare the hell out of those who would rather die, than to fall under the banner of Sharia Law! Yes, Islam’s boot and sword.
THUS, a primary and take-away guide-post, a lesson learned, must be stated for the record: the Second Amendment’s value is only as relevant as those who “cling” to its basis. Whereby, law-abiding citizens recognize that they have a right, an obligation, to protect themselves from an out of control leadership, as well as from clear and present dangers. Assuredly, Islam’s encirclement more than qualifies as such.
AS oft stated, mosques are the epicenter of jihad, resultant, they must be countered.
BUT what exactly can turn the tide, so to speak?
A local militia is planning an armed protest Tuesday evening at the historic Newton County courthouse after local law enforcement launched an investigation into the group.
The protest is scheduled to take place at the same time as a planned Board of Commissioners meeting that was cancelled due to security concerns. Commissioners were expected to lift a temporary moratorium on new places of worship at that meeting, paving the way for a proposed Muslim burial ground and mosque, which the militia opposes.
The investigation was opened after several members of Georgia Security Force III%made a video of themselves over the weekend protesting the presence of Muslims in the county and allegedly trespassing on the site of the proposed cemetery and mosque.
TRENCHANTLY, as far as the PC captured, left-ward and Islamic-bent media is concerned, the nation’s axis is turned topsy-turvy. Effectively, it is Allah’s Muslim terrorists who “deserve” to be heard, even as they abuse democracy to attain their Sharia Law goals, that which are diametrically opposed to America’s Constitutional basis! On the other hand, non-Muslims, patriots at large, are told by Islam’s barbarians and officialdom across the nation: go to hell!
CONSEQUENTIALLY, it is with this knowledge base firmly implanted in mind that patriots within America – by extension, throughout the west – must come to the most urgent, realistic, and ominous conclusion: America will submit to Islam without armed protests, at the very least. Incontestably, demos, per se, are useless and toothless, when up against Mohammedans whose belief system is steeped in nihilism and a unique form of paganism, albeit, cloaked in monotheism.
CONCLUSIVELY, by continuing to behave in a PC captured and addled manner, countless dead Americans will – sooner than later – pile up. It will render what took place on 9/11/01 as a mere sideshow, footnote, to jihad in America!