Meet The 13 House Republicans Who Betrayed The American People

On November 5th, 13 members of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives… betrayed the Republican Party and the American people.
The 13 betrayers provided Pelosi, Biden, and the entire fascist Democrat Party with oxygen and power.
The 13 betrayers gave the Democrats power to inject our children with a toxic vaccine by force. The 13 betrayers gave the Democrats power to destroy our freedom and our economic security.
This article is not enjoyable to write. While most of the 13 are predictable traitors, several are usually on the Right side of things. That includes NY Representative Nicole Malliotakis of whom I have to admit I have been a big political fan.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
So why did she do it? Why did she help turn over our liberty to the fascists and empower the Democrat hammer to destroy our financial capability and our freedom?
To put it simply there is $10 billion in the fake “infrastructure” bill for roads and transportation in and around her congressional district.
So basically, Malliotakis sold out your family, sold out the freedom of the people in her district for a few miles of road.
And here is the saddest part of all: most certainly none of the 13 Republican betrayers will ever see a penny of that money. The 13 betrayers fail to understand the most simple and clear understanding of the Fascist Democrat Party. The fascists hate us, hate liberty and have the objective to damage and destroy that. Thus Nicole and the rest of the betrayers will not see any benefit in their district until they are long gone from it. Thus they surrendered our freedom for nothing.
All of the thirteen betrayers need to be primaried, and replaced by solid, popular, charismatic, winning, conservative, constitutional Republican candidates.
This has to begin now with local groups finding winning candidates who can replace the betrayers.
Primary all thirteen, and replace them in the 2022 elections.
That is, if there are elections and they are not cancelled by the tyrannical fascist Democrat Party. It will be called a “postponement” of the elections. But it will happen, and the 13 Republican betrayers have just handed the Democrat oppressors the power to do it.
By the time 2022 November elections rolls around, the internet will belong to the Democrat Party. Yes, as a result of this bill, the fascists will own the hardware of the internet. And with that hardware they control everything.
Here is a list of the thirteen betrayers by state. Please form local groups and begin the work to primary each and everyone of them. These thirteen showed no mercy to you, your family, your children, or the nation. Politically they should be shown no mercy and be politically obliterated. Good riddance !
Note that Adam Kinzinger has stated he is retiring and not running in the 2022 election, so we have only 12 people to primary and to destroy politically. To replace with good winning candidates for the November 2022 elections we can get behind;
Rep. Andrew Garbarino, R-N.Y.
Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y.
Rep. Tom Reed, R-N.Y.
Rep. John Katko, R-N.Y.
Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.
Rep. Jeff Van Drew, R-N.J.
Rep. Don Young, R-Alaska.
Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, R-Ohio.
Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill.
Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va.
Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich.
Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb.
Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, R-Pa.
If the November 2022 elections will be canceled by the fascist Democrats, why bother to primary and politically destroy the 13 betrayers?
Simply put, this. After the Democrats attempt to “postpone” the elections in Red States we need to have the elections anyway.
In Red districts in Blue states we need to have the elections anyway.
Simply because President Sock Puppet issues an executive order, of the tyrannical congress enacts an unconstitutional law to cancel elections, it does not mean we have to follow their unconstitutional orders. It is our right and duty to hold the elections as provided in the Constitution.
We will follow the constitutional law and hold elections no matter what Democrats say or try to do.
And in the election process, we will clean house. While we can sympathize for the residents of Nicole Malliotakis’ district who have to drive on garbage Democrat roads, there can by no money price for betrayal, no matter how much money is involved. It doesn’t matter if the 13 betrayers sold out for $10 billion or 10 cents,
they betrayed us into the hands of the enemy.
They empowered an enemy that was in retreat, and enemy that wants to destroy us. So our response is political. To primary they will excellent candidates.
Our best and perhaps only option is to primary the betrayers, clean house, and elect representatives who will work for our benefit, who will work for liberty and justice.
Now let’s get to work, for your local groups to primary the betrayers with excellent new candidates for 2022. And good luck and blessings to you all in our struggle for liberty.
Dr Joel S Holmes is an engineer working in hydropower and alternative energy. As such, his work in solar and wind, provides an understanding the limitation and high price to the environment of alternative energy.
Regarding “Global Warming”, he recommends a book which shows clearly that it’s not getting warmer, but that we are heading into a mini-ice age. One that will damage agriculture, transportation, production of goods and services. While it won’t be like the Hollywood films of a super freeze, it will be cold enough to destroy and damage the social fabric of the country, and our ability to provide food.
But we can prepare as a country for the coming cold period which begins in 2025, and enters if cold power phase if 2035.
The nation and our families can be protected, and it’s show in this book which is recommended to show the Green New Deal is a disaster and a lie:
- Meet The The 135 Republicans Who Voted To Confiscate Guns From Service Members In Latest NDAA Bill
- Republicans Who Voted For Biden’s $1.2 Trillion ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Got Played
- 2702-Page Infrastructure Bill Contains ‘National Motor Vehicle Per-Mile User Fee Pilot’
- Will 10 Senate Republicans Vote For Biden’s $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill And Risk More Inflation?
- Biden’s Equity-Focused ‘Infrastructure’ Plan Seeks to Crush Single-Family Zoning
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