Maxine Waters goes insane on House floor: I resent ‘making America great again’ — Video

On Tuesday, Maxine Waters, the California Democrat obsessed with impeachment and conspiracy theories involving Russia, went ballistic on the House floor, triggered by a call for unity from Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly. Waters was so angry that she declared her resentment for the idea of “making America great again.”
“We are trying to make sure we are making America great every day in every way and the best way to do that is to stop stalking about discrimination and start talking about the nation,” Kelly said, while addressing Waters. “We’re coming together as a people, in spite of what you say.”
According to the American Mirror:
Committee chairman Tom McClintock reminded lawmakers to direct comments to him, rather than each other, before yielding to “the gentlelady from California.” Waters ignored his request and immediately attacked Kelly, pointing to her special double victim status as a black woman.
“Mr. Kelly, please do not leave. Because I want you to know that I am more offended as an African American woman than you will ever be. And this business about making America great again, it is your president that’s dividing this country,” she said.
“And don’t talk to me about the fact that we don’t understand … that’s the attitude that’s been given toward women time and time again.”
Kelly attempted to chime in, but Waters refused to yield for a response. McClintock reminded Waters to direct her remarks to him, and she ignored the request a second time.
“I respect the chair, but don’t stop me in the middle when you didn’t stop him in the middle, and so I shall continue,” Waters said, turning back to Kelly. “Don’t you dare talk to me like that and think that somehow women don’t understand what goes on on the floor of automobile dealers.”
McClintock again requested that Waters respect the rules, but she refused and went into an anti-Trump tirade.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
“I don’t appreciate that you did not interrupt him when he was making those outrageous remarks about him knowing more about discrimination than I know about discrimination,” she yelled. “I resent that and I resent the remark about making America great again.
“He’s down here making a speech for this dishonorable president of the United States of America. Having said that, I reserve the balance of my time. And no, I do not yield, not one second to you,” she screamed at Kelly.
Here’s video of Waters, as posted to Twitter:
Yesterday, on the House floor, RM @RepMaxineWaters had #notonesecond for Republican efforts to undermine anti-discrimination policies. Watch ⬇
— U.S. House Committee on Financial Services (@FSCDems) May 9, 2018
According to The Hill, the House “voted Tuesday to repeal a controversial edict on auto lending from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), capping off an unprecedented use of congressional powers that could give Republicans a new way to reverse regulations.”
Waters, by the way, still refuses to condemn death threats against President Trump.
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