Lying liberal media fomenting violence against Trump, supporters; Is another civil war in the offing?
As we and others have recently reported, lying liberal media outlets like MSNBC and CNN have been pushing a number of falsehoods and false narratives in what can only be seen as a deliberate attempt to foment hate and violence against the president and his supporters.
President Trump has called out the fake news media, saying they are partially to blame for the current environment of hate and distrust.
Here’s just a few stories we’ve seen in the last 24 hours.
Breitbart tells us that MSNBC — the official network of insane liberal hatred — “…used a chyron on Tuesday evening that read ‘TRUMP-INSPIRED TERRORISM,’ in quotation marks, during The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The report adds:
The context for the chyron was the appearance of a guest, Professor David Schanzer, who published an op-ed in the UK Guardian under the headline: “We must call the El Paso shooting what it is: Trump-inspired terrorism.”
O’Donnell did not question the premise of Schanzer’s article, but rather asked him to elaborate upon it: “Establish for us what you see as the link between Donald Trump’s rhetoric, Donald Trump’s hate speech, and what happened in El Paso.”
The MSNBC host never challenged his guest’s view or expressed any doubt about its premise, nor did he show any concern that it might be inflammatory.
Of course O’Donnell never challenged the premise. This IS MSNBC, after all…
Twitchy informs us that the liberal Daily Beast literally made up a quote from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s team, completely reversing what was actually said:
First things first: That photo of a bunch of high school boys kissing, “choking,” and giving the thumbs-down to a cardboard standup of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was stupid and unhelpful, and of course she made an issue of it.
Team Mitch responded, noting that the boys were high schoolers, not campaign staff, and adding, “Team Mitch in no way condones any aggressive, suggestive, or demeaning act toward life-sized cardboard cutouts of any gender.”
Even though Team Mitch’s statement was printed in plain English, The Daily Beast interpreted it this way:
Mitch McConnell's campaign manager essentially says boys will be boys in response to that image of teens groping and choking a cutout of @AOC
— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) August 6, 2019
Newsbusters — a valuable resource for anyone interested in keeping up with mainstream media bias — said that MSNBC’s Nichole Wallace falsely claimed that Trump is “talking about exterminating Latinos.”
Mark Finkelstein posted a partial transcript of the exchange:
RAUL REYES: In words and actions throughout his presidency, he’s basically declared open-season on Latinos because we are one of his favorite targets . . . And it’s not just the language he used, you mentioned calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists when he came down the escalator. That was day one. Then it escalated into attacks on Latino journalists. It escalated into attacks on the so-called, in his words, Mexican judge.
REYES: Then ramped it up again to the invasion, warning people of a caravan and words like infestation. What do you do with an infestation? With an infestation, the natural conclusion is attempt an extermination.
WALLACE: What do you do when, certainly, the last Republican president fought for, sought and it’s not ideal but had 44% of Latino voters. So politically powerful inside the last Republican administration. President Obama used the power of the presidency to try to pass comprehensive immigration reform, with the Latino community, Latino leaders, at the table. You now have a president, as you said, talking about exterminating Latinos.
REYES: Right.
Here’s video:
Granted, she “apologized” for her blatantly false statement, but still managed to attack Trump in her alleged “apology.”
Of course, this type of rhetoric has become SOP for MSNBC, apparently in a bid to maintain its status as the official network of insane, bloodthirsty liberal rage and hate.
Here’s a few more nuggets from Newsbusters:
- Disgusting: CNN Downplays, Refuses to Condemn Death Threats to Mitch
- MSNBC’s Glaude: Trump is ‘Manifestation of the Ugliness That’s In Us’
- Networks Silent on Ohio Shooter’s ‘Leftist,’ ‘Socialist’ Politics
- MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: President Poses ‘Existential Threat’ to America
- Chris Cuomo Openly Advocates for Voters to Assault Second Amendment
And that’s just in the 24 hours preceding this post.
What’s the immediate result of all this lying propaganda?
- Death threats against Mitch McConnell.
- More death threats against Mitch McConnell.
- Fliers advocating death camps for Trump supporters.
- Democrat Joaquin Castro published a hit list of Trump donors, accusing them of racism.
That’s just for starters. What do they ultimately want? Do they really want a second, bloody civil war?
To be honest, that’s exactly what it looks like to us. And the lying propagandists at these outlets won’t stop.
Which makes us wonder: How high do they want the body count to be? We won’t hold our breath waiting for an answer.
- Fliers showing ‘Death Camps for Trump Supporters’ found in NY
- Opinion: Radical Democrats, allies deliberately pushing America to brink of second bloody civil war
- Lying liars at lying MSNBC agree all white Trump voters racist, should vote Democrat to prove otherwise
- Videos Prove Lying Liars at Lying MSNBC, CNN Lying About Trump Not Being Near Ground Zero Around 9/11
- Video: MSNBC propagandist Chris Hayes says Trump supporters must be ‘confronted and destroyed’
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