Left-wing activists threaten to shut down Catholic men’s conference
Christine Niles, a Vietnamese immigrant who helps run a parachurch organization in Michigan that promotes Roman Catholic teaching, has been in consultations with local law enforcement after learning that a left-wing Antifa-allied group is planning to shut down the conference.
The Michigan Peoples Defense Network (MPDN), a radical left-wing Marxist group who states that they are resisting so-called white supremacy and fascism everywhere, claims that the conference “promotes a hateful, anti-woman message” since it’s exclusively for men.
Church Militant, a 12-year-old Catholic media apostolate, with headquarters in the Detroit suburb of Ferndale, is coming under attack by Antifa-related protesters claiming the religious organization inspires a “culture of rape” and is “white supremacist.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The group Michigan Peoples Defense Network (MPDN) is planning a demonstration at Church Militant’s third annual Strength and Honor Conference, to be held in Sterling Heights, Michigan on Saturday, August 5.
The conference is entirely theological in nature, offering talks on the essential role of sacrificial masculinity required of Catholic men to be good husbands and fathers. MPDN’s aim is to shut down the event.
In a further effort to intimidate, MPDN is holding a press conference on the sidewalk in front Church Militant studios Friday, July 28, right by the front door, announcing the August 5 protest.
The claims by MPDN are completely false and unfounded. The claim that Church Militant is a promoter of white male supremacy is immediately contradicted by the following facts:
Church Militant has legal immigrants (including first-generation immigrants) employed in key roles.
Half the organization’s departments are headed by women (one who is a legal immigrant)
Additionally, the claim that the conference is about “men’s rights” is a deliberate distortion. The conference is about men’s obligations, not “rights.”
Church Militant absolutely condemns and abhors the lies and violence that have become the hallmark of the Antifa movement, which MPDN members associate with on social media. Church Militant is not a hate group; MPDN is the real hate group, trying to intimidate religious organizations into silence and shut down a conference meant to help men become better husbands, fathers, sons and brothers by fostering the virtues of humility, charity and sacrifice.
Church Militant is further disturbed by the group’s thinly veiled threats of physical violence present in the language of their site and Facebook page. This kind of discourse cannot be allowed to stand in a civilized nation.
Church Militant is open to discussion with anyone, and has indeed made this a hallmark of the work conducted here for a dozen years, but we will not be cowed by lies and thug tactics becoming so commonplace on the Left.
The real bone of contention that MPDN has with Church Militant is not the spurious claims and lies it’s telling, but the positions we take on morality and decency, and Catholicism’s teaching that all life is sacred and needs to be respected and honored.
As creatures made in the image and likeness of God, humans need to understand that our laws, customs and mores need to reflect this truth on every level.
MPDN is anti-religion when that religion promotes theologically grounded teachings like the sacredness of life from its first beginnings to its natural end, and the sanctity of traditional marriage between one man and one woman.
As such, MPDN sets up a straw-man argument, lying about Church Militant so it may demonize the work the religious outfit does. Church Militant is proudly pro-woman, pro-life and pro-immigrant.
On Twitter, MPDN supporters and Antifa protestors have tweeted hatred against the Church Militant.
Michigan Peoples Defense Network is having a demonstration to shut down some anti woman MRA event, and the right wingers are mad????
We got you. pic.twitter.com/5KEwuM2r7F
— Re-Ply Guys (@Re_PlyGuys) July 26, 2017
Antifa (short for “antifascist”) has been associated with violent protests and destruction of property. In its most recent attacks at the G20 Summit this month in Hamburg, Germany, rioters set fire to cars, destroyed property and terrorized residents, injuring more than 200 police officers.
In March, Antifa thugs placed Middlebury College professor of politics and economics Allison Stanger in a neck brace, after hitting her in the head and causing a concussion, sending her to the hospital. Her mistake? Attending a talk by conservative commentator Charles Murray. Nearly 70 students have since been disciplined by the college for their participation in the violence.
And in February, Antifa protestors caused thousands of dollars in damage at University of California Berkeley when the group shut down a talk by conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos.
Scores of Antifa protesters have been arrested in multiple riots in Portland, Oregon, where they blocked traffic, caused fires, and damaged public and private property.
Antifa leader Yvette Felarca was arrested last week for being ring leader to a violent 2016 Sacramento protest, after video showed Felarca punching a peaceful Trump supporter.
The Catholic men’s conference is scheduled for Aug. 4-6 at locations in Ferndale and Sterling Heights, Michigan.
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