
Just who are the ‘Nazis’?

Recently at a New Hampshire rally, former President Trump stated, “We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country, that lie and steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and the American Dream.”

Ridiculously, this part of Trump’s speech caused ABC NewsNPRThe Washington CompostMSNCNNUSA Today and others to all start beating their war drums, stating Trump’s use of the word “vermin” likened him to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Newsweek “Fact Checkers” stated, “Trump and Hitler’s statements are not quite the same, and there is obvious, significant context that separates these sets of quotes,” yet, their gauge needle is pointing toward “mostly true” with the fine print above the needle reading, “needs context.” So, in other words, if you take what Donald Trump said totally out of context, and reword it, then you can make him sound like Hitler. Wow! How wickedly deceptive!

Listen to how ABC News took Trump’s words totally out of context and warped what he said. The network reported, “Former President Trump vowed this weekend to ‘root out’ his political opponents, who he said, ‘live like vermin.’” Is this what former President Trump said? No! Review the first paragraph. The writers for ABC News, Soo Rin Kim and Laiee Ibssa, hid from their readers that Trump was speaking of “communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs” who “lie and steal and cheat on elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America and the American Dream.” These ABC writers define this group of people, as “[Trump’s] political opponents.” These are not the former president’s “political opponents.” These are criminals and enemies to America, our Constitution and our Republic. Perhaps Kim and Ibssa are ignorant about America, but they seem highly experienced in manipulating truth to try to make people sound like Nazis.

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Let’s define the term, “Nazis.” The Nazis were a group in Germany that took power in the 1930s. They were not voted in. They took power. You can read the history. Nazis were known for Adolf Hitler’s infamous line, “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” So, Nazis were manipulators of the people by telling big lies over and over again. Nazis were also racist, pushing racial hatred, causing societal uproar and death. Everyone knows Nazis hated Jews, but Jews were just first, for Hitler had a hit list of planned genocide, starting with Jews, then blacks, then Orientals, then Slavs and others, leaving behind what he termed the “Aryan race,” following Darwin’s insanely deranged teachings of evolution.

The term “Nazi” stood for Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or Nazi Party. They “combined national-social ideology” and became the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

So, Nazis told big lies to manipulate the people, pushed racism, especially toward the Jews, and were socialist.

Is Trump a Nazi? Well, he is not a socialist. He is most definitely a capitalist. He made his money in real estate and by running businesses for profit. Trump loves our Republic and understands government’s role is to represent the people, not special interest groups. That is why “bought and paid for” politicians hate Trump, because Trump is rich so cannot be bought.

Did Trump manipulate people with big lies? No! Instead, he revealed and nicknamed the Washington, D.C., swamp creatures, so we could see them. Trump was like the guy with a flashlight walking into a dirty kitchen shining a light on the roaches and “vermin” scurrying across the floor.

Does Trump hate the Jews and push racism? In an MSNBC interview, Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu stated, “[Trump’s] not anti-Semitic, he has Jewish family.” Trump helped secure peace efforts in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords. former National Security Adviser K. T. McFarland stated, “It’s the first peace agreement between Israel and Arabs in not just 10 or 20, it’s like a couple thousand years. … more countries are joining,” and “even the Biden administration can’t screw that one up.” According to Democratic-turned-Republican lawmaker Vernon Jones, Trump’s commitment to the African-American community is “unparalleled to any other president, Democrat or Republican, in the past 50 years.” Pre-pandemic unemployment under Trump’s administration “reached a 50-year low … [with] joblessness among black Americans … set[ting] a modern record … [sinking] to 5.9 percent … the lowest since 1972.” U.S. Department of Labor data show minority communities were 86% of the new working-age hires from 2016 to 2019, again dispelling the lie of Trump being a racist.

So, who are the Nazis? Well, we need to find someone who manipulated the people of America with a big lie – such as the Russian collusion hoax – who would use such a lie to hamstring Trump’s presidency and negatively affect relations between superpowers. Who would fit that picture? Well, how about Hillary Clinton? Then we have to find someone who hates Jews, like insulting Prime Minister Netanyahu when he came to D.C., not even meeting with him, and would call for the “end of the occupation,” meaning the annihilation of the Israel. Who would fit that picture? How about Barack Hussein Obama? Or, how about people who side with antisemitic terrorist? That would be the “Squad,” whom even fellow Democrats have “slammed.”

Then we have to find someone who hates our Republic and pushes socialism, which by definition and Marxist theory, is a “progressive” stage moving from capitalism to communism. Again, the names Hillary, Obama and the Squad seem to fit the criterion. Joe Biden is just led where they lead him, since he took power with allegedly more votes than any president in history.

So, who are the Nazis? Decide for yourself, but certainly Trump isn’t one of them. If you are going to falsely call Trump a “Nazi,” then you are perpetuating a Hitler-type big lie to manipulate people, and are violating God’s ninth Commandment.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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