
Journalists condemn Diane Feinstein


I wonder if DiFi is trying to limit who can be referred to as a journalist to stop criticism of Obama and the democratic party or to make sure there are less people to write about her many money making scandals with her husband Richard Blum.  Or maybe it’s just that she’s become mean since that house landed on her sister.  I just don’t know.

In a rare showing of solidarity with the new media of the Internet, The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) have condemned Diane Feinstein, for trying to paint members of the new media as illegitimate.  In fact, they are considering changing their name to the Society of Professional Journalism.  One of it’s leaders described Feinstein’s efforts as “neurotic.”While discussing the possibility of a name change, a regional director, Michael Koretzky, said, “SPJ’s name doesn’t accurately reflect its current membership because many members and even many SPJ board members are not professional journalists.”

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