Journalism prof. placed on administrative leave for advocating murder of NRA members’ children
The University of Kansas said Friday it had placed journalism professor David Guth on administrative leave after he called for the murder of NRA members’ children.
“In order to prevent disruptions to the learning environment for students, the School of Journalism and the university, I have directed Provost Jeffrey Vitter to place Associate Professor Guth on indefinite administrative leave pending a review of the entire situation. Professor Guth’s classes will be taught by other faculty members,” said Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little.
“The blood is on the hands of the #NRA,” he tweeted Monday in response to the Washington Navy Yard shooting. “Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God d**n you.”
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Examiner reported Friday:
On Wednesday, Campus Reform said, Guth confirmed that he was the person who sent the tweet.
“Hell no, hell no, I do not regret that Tweet,” he told Campus Reform. “I don’t take it back one bit.”
Guth doubled down on his hatred when some took him to task for his comments.
“Shame on you, I bet you think of yourself as a christian while you are asking God to d**n people and wishing their children dead,” one person said.
“God’s justice takes many forms,” Guth said in response.
Guth continued his rant on his blog, where he compared members of the NRA to demons.
“There are two sides to this debate: The side of angels and the NRA,” he wrote.
“If this is what it takes to get placed on leave at the University of Kansas, then I guess the only thing that could get you fired is committing genocide… or admitting you’re a member of the NRA,” said a post at Bearing Arms.
What’s sad is that this is the kind of creature indoctrinating our children in colleges liberal indoctrination centers these days…
- Journalism professor says he hopes children of NRA members are murdered
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