Islam in action: Gay man gang-raped, beheaded in Turkey
Followers of peaceful Islam – one step forward, 14 centuries back…
It’s a fair assumption that most politically and theologically conservative-leaning Westerners more than likely have serious disagreements with the homosexual lifestyle. It’s also a fair assumption that those same politically and theologically conservative-leaning Westerners have no desire execute those same individuals who embrace the homosexual lifestyle.
Yet what’s happened in the supposed most secular Muslim nation on the planet could be but another example of the true face of Islam.
As reported by Great Britain’s venerable BBC, the beheaded and mutilated corpse of a gay Syrian refugee was discovered in the Yenikapi district of Istanbul.
As reported, “One of his housemates, called Rayan, said a male group had kidnapped Mr Sankari about five months ago, beaten him up and raped him. “We complained to the police headquarters but nothing happened,’ he said.”
Yet another Sankari’s friends, Diya, stated “the United Nations was also failing to protect the gay community in Turkey.” Diya continued with, “I get threats over the phone… It does not matter if you are Syrian or Turkish, if you are gay you are everyone’s target. They want sex from you and when you don’t they just tag along… Who is next?”
Last June, Turkish police opened fire with both rubber bullets and tear gas “to disperse gay activists who tried to hold an LGBT rally in Istanbul, despite a ban on the Gay Pride parade.”
The BBC has also cited that “Homosexuality is illegal in many countries in the Middle East and although it is not against the law in Turkey, analysts say homophobia remains widespread.”