
Iranian Nuclear Scientist Killed: Cue The Hypocritical Democrat Freak Out

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, an Iranian Nuclear Scientist, was killed in an ambush on Friday. Despite the fact that during the Obama admnistration, 4 Irainian nuclear scientists were killed and a 5th wounded, Democrats and former CIA Director Brennan are throwing a fit at the news. (Daily Wire)

“Iran’s top nuclear scientist, who American and Israeli intelligence have long charged was behind secret programs to design an atomic warhead, was shot and killed in an ambush on Friday as he was traveling in a vehicle in northern Iran. The scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, believed to be 59, has been considered the driving force behind Iran’s nuclear weapons program for two decades, and continued to work after the main part of the effort was quietly disbanded in the early 2000s.” The New York Times reported.

Former CIA Director John Brennan started the fit parade. He fully knew about the killing of 4 Iranian scientists and wounding of another during the Obama administration.

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Senator Cruz weighed in on Brennan’s remarks:

So Brennan attacked Senator Cruz:

Brennan was part of Corruption Unlimited 

Joe Biden made a secret phone call to the Ukraine president shortly after Trump won the election in 2016, advising him of how to clean up loose ends against the Ukraine scandal so that Trump would’t snoop too deep. Then there were the recent phone calls from the Biden campaign- in spite of the contested election- to foreign leaders all over the map, which  totally undermines the current President. Or John Kerry’s attempts to undermine US policy by continuing to meet with Iran during the Trump presidency. But they targeted General Flynn for contacting Sergey Kislyak in a collective attempt to FORCE him to lie. Hypocrites, liars, and traitors.

Then there’s that whole Brennan being present at a meeting with the FBI in the plot to take down Trump. Treason?

Brennan tried to shore up his argument by saying his “record” of standing with Israel was clear.  Clearly wrong, since the Obama administration undercut Israel frequently and he was a part of it. Tehran is blaming Israel for the strike which killed their head Iranian Nuclear scientist, although the Democrats that responded to the news of the ambush clearly feel that Trump had a part in it.  Tehran is vowing revenge (as they always do).

Israel PM Netanyahu, the Saudi Crown Prince, and Mike Pompeo met a few days ago, ostensibly to attempt to normalize relations between the two countries. President Trump was reportedly advised not to strike Iran at this time.  But the window of time to destroy their clandestine nuclear program before the idiot crew could take over and restart Obama’s nuclear deal is growing short.

iranian nuclear scientist
The USS Nimitz – via YouTube

The USS Nimitz is currently steaming toward the Persian Gulf to “provide backup” for troops during the drawdown from Iraq and Afghanistan. The timing is interesting, and so is the Pentagon statement reported by the New York Post:

“This action ensures we have sufficient capability available to respond to any threat and to deter any adversary from acting against our troops during the force reduction.”

Clear message to Iran and others: Don’t try anything or you’ll be sorry.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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