Insane: Kansas Univ. bans gorilla image for being too masculine

The insanity continues at America’s colleges. Now comes word that a student housing director at the University of Kansas reportedly told a resident assistant (RA) that a picture of a gorilla is unacceptable in a jungle theme because it’s too masculine.
Campus Reform reported (Emphasis added):
In an email obtained by Campus Reform, a university employee with the school’s student housing department writes to a resident advisor, who wishes to remain anonymous, to explain to him that he cannot use an image of a gorilla for a routine floor decoration.
“I think it would be best if your floor chose a different theme animal to be more inclusive,” Assistant Complex Director Dale Morrow wrote in an email at the start of this academic year. “First, gorillas represent a very masculine image, and I feel that this would not be inclusive to all of our residents on that floor.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Say what? More inclusive? Very masculine? Are these people out of their minds?
Here’s a picture of the email Campus Reform obtained:
What stereotypes is Morrow referring to? We don’t know, because he doesn’t say.
In an update, Campus Reform said:
KU responded to Campus Reform‘s inquiry, saying Morrow, an assistant complex director, “does not speak for our housing department,” and noting that it “seems reasonable that students would post photos of animals as part of a jungle-themed decoration.”
A post at Truth Revolt asks: “Who knew that a gorilla could represent both white privilege AND too much masculinity all at the same time!”
Sadly, insanity like this is enough to make one rethink sending his or her children off to college…
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