Inappopriate sex-ed poster asks middle schoolers about anal, oral sex

When Mark Ellis’s 13-year-old daughter first showed him a cell phone picture of a poster at her middle school, he assumed it was a student prank, albeit an ugly one. The poster asks the question “How do people address their sexual feelings?” It then provides a range of possible answers, including oral sex, sexual fantasy, and touching each other’s genitals.
Ellis never figured that this grossly inappropriate display was a “teaching tool” — until he phoned the school and discovered it was indeed part of their sex-ed curriculum.
A report by Kansas Fox affiliate WDAF (h/t The Blaze) indicates that Ellis is just one of many parents aghast and angry that Hocker Grove Middle School would find this content acceptable. Ellis told reporters:
It upsets me. And again, it goes back to who approved this? You know this had to pass through enough hands that someone should have said, ‘Wait a minute, these are 13-year-old kids, we do not need to be this in-depth with this sexual education type of program.’
Leigh Anne Neal, a spokeswoman for the Shawnee Mission School District, maintains that the poster needs to be viewed in the context of a bigger curriculum, which she calls abstinence-based for students in middle school.
The poster that you reference is actually part of our middle school health and science materials, and so it is a part of our district approved curriculum. However the item is meant to be part of a lesson, and so certainly as a standalone poster without the context of a teacher led discussion, I could see that there might be some cause for concern.
The curriculum it is a part of, it aligns with national standards around those topics, and it’s part of our curriculum in the school district.
She added that the approved curriculum is in keeping with what other schools around the country are doing as well.
Hmm — makes you wonder whether the poster and lesson plan are products of the Common Core curriculum, a propagandistic administration-backed agendum that has been the subject of countless news stories. Regardless, Ellis and other parents say the curriculum has to change.
This has nothing to do with abstinence or sexual reproduction, actually, a lot of these things. I would like to see that this particular portion of the curriculum is removed from the school.
If it doesn’t, his plan is to remove his daughter from the sexual education classes.
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