
Hungary Built a Wall…Cuts Illegal Aliens By 99 Percent

Make no mistake about it.  The reason liberals oppose a wall on the Mexican border is because it works and it pays for itself just in reduced welfare and free government handouts.  Hungary, George Soros’ birthplace, has built a wall to keep out illegal immigrants.  Sometimes the illegals riot and try to cross their wall until they see the Hungarian Army waiting for them on the other side.  The bottom line is that the nation cut illegal immigration by over 99 percent.

Just how dramatic was the drop in Hungary?  In 2015 391,000 illegals entered Hungary.  18,236 crossed in 2016.  And just 1,184 crossed so far in 2017.  That sounds like walls work to me.  How about you?

Chief Security Advisor György Bakondi said:

“The system of technical barriers is the key to the success of border security, and without it, it would be impossible to stop the mass arrival of immigrants”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

This is precisely why liberals such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer say they are willing to vote for more money for border security as long as it doesn’t involve a wall.  That’s because walls work.

Why does Mexico oppose a wall on their northern border?  Because walls work.  Do you know what the biggest moneymaker in Mexico is?  Money that is sent home from the United States.  In 2016 illegals in the United States sent a whopping $69 billion dollars out of our economy and into Mexico’s.  Think about that for a minute and let it really sink in.  Their biggest moneymaking tool is money from the United States.  So, now I ask you wgy doesn’t Mexico want the wall?  Because walls work.

Now, question for you.  Besides Hungary, who wants to build a wall on their southern border to keep illegals out?  Give up?  It’s Mexico.  

According to Breitbart:

It seems Mexico agrees with Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants – but only on its southern border with Central America.
Mexicans are calling for the border wall to keep out Guatemalans, Salvadorans and Hondurans fleeing violence in their own countries.

They complain ‘hordes’ of immigrants pass through on their way to the United States -who are then simply deported back to Mexico rather than their home countries by the US.

Central American migrants are left stuck in border cities with Mexican officials unable to afford to send them back to their own countries, according to an article by one of the largest newspapers in the border state of Tamaulipas, El Mañana, titled: ‘Yes to the Border Wall … but in Mexico’s South.’

  Hungary’s Wall:

Hungary had to respond rapidly to the migrant influx which burst upon Europe after Germany’s Angela Merkel announced there was “no limit” on the number of asylum seekers her own country would accept, so its frontiers are defended by twin fences peppered with watchtowers and patrolled by thousands of newly recruited border guards rather than a solid wall — which would have taken longer to construct.

Nevertheless, as it has been steadily reinforced illegal migration has slowed to a trickle — drawing the ire of open borders activists like billionaire financier George Soros and globalist officials at the European Union and the United Nations.


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