Hungarian pol suggests wall of pigs’ heads to ward off migrants

On Monday, the English-language version of Germany’s Deutsche Welle reported that Gyorgy Schopflin, a member of the European Parliament from Hungary, suggested building a wall out of pigs’ heads in an effort to keep migrants away. As a result, DW said, the Hungarian MEP has come under fire from more politically-correct quarters who apparently took offense.
According to Deutche Welle:
MEP Gyorgy Schopflin’s suggestion on Monday followed criticism directed at Hungarians in rural parts of the country who’d been using other methods they hoped would frighten away migrants, such as carved vegetable roots and human-like face masks.
“Human images are haram,” the politician reportedly tweeted, using the Arabic term that refers to words or images that are considered heresy in Islam. “But agree, pig’s head would deter more effectively.” The tweet was apparently later deleted.
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Muslims view pork as unclean and the Quran calls on Muslims not to eat it.
Human Rights Watch director Andrew Stroehlein wasn’t amused and tweeted his displeasure.
“Your words are disgusting. I would expect that from anonymous neo-Nazi trolls but you’re an MEP. Act like one,” he said, according to one source.
He wasn’t finished, however.
"Put pig heads on border fences to deter Muslim refugees, Hungary MEP says" – @siobhanfenton
— Andrew Stroehlein (@astroehlein) August 21, 2016
Others also weren’t too happy with the Hungarian MEP, but some seemed to take his side.
One person even brought GOP nominee Donald Trump into the discussion:
: Let's hope Trump doesn't read this!
— ?Patricia D McClendon, MSSW? (@PatsCSW) August 21, 2016
Schopflin, however, seemed to dismiss the criticism, telling the Hungarian outlet that it was blown out of proportion.
“I did not humiliate anyone,” he said. “When I noted in reaction to a raised question that the pig heads would actually be more effective than masks carved from sugar beets, it was a small thought experiment, nothing else.”
Besides, anyone who’s ever lived on a farm knows that dead animal flesh tends to rot, attract all kinds of insects, produce an ungodly odor — not to mention raise the potential for disease.
As we’ve reported here, here and here, it’s not the first time a politician from the Magyar Republic has spoken out against the flood of migrants pouring into Europe.
Prime Minister Viktor Orban, for example, once accused billionaire George Soros of using refugees from the Middle East to weaken Europe. Now that we’ve seen leaked documents, it seems Orban was more correct than anyone originally thought.
- Hungarian PM defines ‘the best migrant’ – Liberals furious
- Hungary’s Viktor Orban Accuses Soros of Using Refugees to Weaken Europe
- Hungarian PM Viktor Orban: European elites are traitors — Video
- Viral video shows British patriots pelted with eggs by angry Muslims
- Video: German girl says Merkel ‘killing Germany’ with migrants; Reports claim Facebook censorship
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