Homeowner arrested after taking Biden’s advice, firing warning shotgun blast

When asked about Joe Biden’s obvious mental impairments, former New York City mayor and GOP presidential hopeful Rudolph Giuliani said he doubted the problem was dementia. Instead, Giuliani offered this rough-and-ready diagnosis while a guest on CNBC’s “The Kudlow Report”:
I mean, this guy just isn’t bright. He’s never been bright. He isn’t bright. People think well, he just talks a little too much. Actually, he’s just not very smart.
It’s been well over a year since Biden dispensed the advice to homeowners he claimed he had given his wife in case “if there’s ever a problem” with intruders:
If you want to protect yourself, get a double-barred shotgun … and I promise you … if there’s ever a problem just walk out on the balcony here — walk out, put that double barrel shot gun and fire two blasts outside the house — I promise you whoever is coming in … You don’t need an AR-15, it’s harder to aim, it’s harder to use… Buy a shotgun! Buy a shotgun! [Emphasis added]
The advice was not just nonsensical but illegal, as Washington State resident learned yesterday. From The Columbian (h/t Bearing Arms):
A Battle Ground man was arrested after he allegedly fired a gun early Sunday morning to scare off teens who were in his home.
The homeowner, Billy Franklin Bicknell, 67, said he fired off a shotgun after hearing what he thought was an intruder in his house, at 17414 N.E. 280th St. in Battle Ground, according to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office. Bicknell said he fired the gun in an attempt to scare away a teen who was leaving his house through a window, deputies said.
[…]Deputies arrested Bicknell on suspicion of first-degree assault. He was booked into the Clark County Jail.
If you believe Biden should be forced to cover any fine Bicknell is forced to pay, so signify by driving around today with your headlights on. If you believe Biden is simply misquoted and misunderstood and has been an exemplary Vice President, so signify by driving around tonight with your headlights off.
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