
Harvard Ranked Worst University For Free Speech

The Crimson Tide has a dangerous undertow.

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”- George Washington.

Why am I not surprised? In recent years, I have posted more than a dozen posts about Harvard University. Each is about biased teaching and how the faculty fights against freedom of speech. But I didn’t realize how dreadful it was. According to FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression):


The research surveyed over 50,000 undergraduate students throughout the country, and its rating methodology was based on elements such as “comfort expressing ideas,” “tolerance for speakers,” and “administrative support.” Colleges were also graded based on how frequently and harshly they penalized students, scholars, and guest speakers.

Harvard’s actual score was -10.69. As the advertised low was 100, that was the Harvard score;  FIRE said the dismal score was “generous,” considering Harvard’s actual score was a -10.69, according to their calculations.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

What a bunch of zeros!

The NY Post reported:

“I’m not totally surprised,” Sean Stevens, director of polling and analytics at FIRE, told The Post. “We’ve done these rankings for years now, and Harvard is consistently near the bottom.”

Despite being the most acclaimed academic institution in the country, Harvard received a 0.00-point free speech ranking on a 100-point scale — a full 11 points behind the next worst school.

The survey covered 55,000 students at over 248 schools. Number one was Michigan Technological University and number 248 was the Crimson Tide (Harvard).

The score is calculated based on factors including how strong the school’s policies in favor of free speech are and how many professors, students, and campus speakers have been targeted by authorities for their speech.

Bonuses are applied if the school’s administrators stand up for the rights of those whose free speech was threatened.

The Messenger reported FIRE’s claim that  students at those schools say there was more bias toward “allowing controversial liberal speakers on campus over conservative ones and were more accepting of students using disruptive and violent forms of protest to stop a campus speech.”

Interestingly, Harvard has a reputation for providing the best education compared to any other school in America. There’s proof for what has been believed for a long time. Harvard does not teach students to think for themselves and debate how they arrive at their position. Harvard enforces the position students should have. It teaches students to accept the liberal beliefs pushed by the university.

Harvard’s free speech rating is reminiscent of the book 1984. Students Beware, the Crimson Tide has a dangerous undertow.

“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”― Benjamin Franklin.

Cross-posted with The Lid


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