Andy Hallinan, owner of the Florida Gun Supply, has released a video declaring that in the aftermath of the Chattanooga shootings, he will no longer sell guns to Muslims. He claims that it his right not to do business with anyone he doesn’t wish to.
I think it will be interesting to see if CAIR and the ACLU sue his shop to force him to sell to Muslims. The same goes for all those gun grabbing liberal politicians. This could create quite a quandary for these liberals. It’s like an environmentalist watching an endangered animal eating a nearly extinct plant. Who do they root for?
Hallinan considers the ban his duty to the country:
“Now, I have a moral and legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all patriots in my community. And so effective immediately I’m declaring Florida Gun Supply a Muslim-free zone. I will not arm and train those who wish to do harm to my fellow patriots.”
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