Gun Rights Group Expands List of Anti-Gun Rights Businesses, CEOs

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms—the grassroots activism “sister organization” to the Second Amendment Foundation—on Friday expanded its list of companies and CEOs that support efforts to erode their Second Amendment rights.
That puts the roster at right about 200 names including some of the highest-profile companies in the country.
CCRKBA calls its effort “Don’t Feed the Gun Prohibitionists.” It’s an educational campaign created to steer gun-owning consumers away from businesses and brand names that support and contribute to gun control and prohibition groups or campaigns.
The list was first posted several days ago, with this message: “Don’t Have Buyer’s Remorse! Make the decision with your wallet to fight against firearm prohibition.”
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CCRKBA’s campaign comes at a time when many businesses are trying to make a comeback from the COVID-19 shutdown. According to CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, companies willing to support efforts that restrict the rights of their customers should be exposed.
“Today, we’re adding Subway, Chipotle, Sonic and Panera Bread to the list,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb announced. “All of these businesses have banned guns in their establishments, which is an insult to the millions of law-abiding, legally-armed citizens who have harmed nobody and committed no crimes.”
There were already some highly recognizable names on the list, including Dick’s Sporting Goods, Burger King, Costco, Delta Airlines, Hallmark, Levi Strauss, Progressive Insurance, Yelp, Sara Lee, the Hard Rock Cafe and Microsoft. The CCRKBA national headquarters in Bellevue, Washington is located only a few miles from the Microsoft campus in neighboring Redmond.
“We’re not calling for a boycott of these companies,” Gottlieb explained, “but we are providing this information to American gun owners so they can make informed decisions about where to spend their hard-earned money without unknowingly supporting efforts to erode an important constitutional right.”
While CCRKBA may not be nearly as high-profile as SAF, the organization boasts some 650,000 members and supporters nationwide. It has been around more than 40 years, usually working quietly behind the scenes with state and local affiliates on gun rights issues.
“Many brand name businesses and corporate leadership have a nefarious agenda to limit gun rights,” Gottlieb said. “Their current and potential patrons should have the knowledge of what their hard earned dollars are actually funding.
“A free market dictates the right of consumers to know about the products they purchase,” he continued, “and we encourage people buy products from companies they can count on to not support efforts aimed at curtailing constitutional rights. By providing this information, we hope gun owning consumers make reasonable decisions about which businesses to patronize. This might convince some businesses to re-think their core values.”
It’s not that gun owners want businesses to comply with their philosophy, he indicated. It’s just that CCRKBA thinks gun owners should know a company’s position on their rights, so they might patronize a different business.
“Businesses and the people who own them can support whatever kind of philosophy they want, and gun owning consumers can likewise not spend any money with those firms. Let the marketplace decide.
“Over 100 million American gun owners represent a sizeable consumer bloc,” Gottlieb said, “and they will vote with their wallets. Businesses that work against their interests should lose the benefit of their patronage.”
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