Growing chorus for Fox News to dump Shepard Smith

Shep Smith continues to anger the base…
Despite touting their news coverage as “Fair and Balanced,” the viewership of the Fox News Channel (FNC) is increasingly calling for a certain newsreader to seek employment elsewhere.
With the penchant for angering regular viewers, the Mississippi native not only openly displays his contempt for President Trump, but seemingly also for anything even remotely conservative.
In July, Smith drew the ire of Fox News fans when he scolded former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for saying “all lives matter.” Fans were so angry that they called for his firing in droves on social media.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
After a presidential debate with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in October, Smith suggested that then candidate Trump was a fascist because he said he’d have his attorney general investigate Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Some of his other greatest hits include comparing Christians that supported County Clerk Kim Davis not issuing gay marriage licenses to supporters of Sharia law and his fervent defense of Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
Let me be clear..I cannot stand Shepard Smith. He belongs on CNN,along with Juan Williams,Julie Rozinski,Jessica Tarlov,Marie Harf,& Geraldo
— naturelover (@starlady24) February 8, 2017
Sheppard Smith called #TRUMP a liar 3x today for saying he feels media didn’t report terrorist acts enough. How can an OPINION be a lie?
— Trump Super PAC ?? (@TrumpSuperPAC) February 7, 2017
Sheppard Smith called #TRUMP a liar 3x today for saying he feels media didn’t report terrorist acts enough. How can an OPINION be a lie?
— Trump Super PAC ?? (@TrumpSuperPAC) February 7, 2017
hey fox news,why don’t you put shepard smith on at 3 in the morning.where he really belongs is on cnn,there i said it! will not watch
— arty (@ourne111) February 8, 2017
@FoxNews yet you allowed Shepard Smith to basically do a hit piece on @realDonaldTrump calling him a liar. #JournalismDead #WeThePeopleOnOwn
— AmericanFather (@RobertCaresToo) February 8, 2017
Shepard Smith On Fox News Constantly Slams Trump Admin & It’s Past Time To Boycott Him To Be Replaced & Shut Down Starting Now!
— Barbara Soliz (@bbl58) February 8, 2017
Get rid of @ShepNewsTeam ! It’s one thing to question,yet his form of personal attacks is unprofessional!
— Queen Rosita (@Queen_Rositaaa) February 8, 2017
Related:Enough of this @FoxNews! Replace @ShepNewsTeam with someone who can be “fair and balanced” If that’s still your thing!
— Jason Dunn (@JasonDunn67) February 8, 2017
- The applause for Trump the MSM cut off — Fox’s Shep Smith defends CNN
- Video: Shepard Smith falsely claims voter ID laws intended to keep minorities from voting
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