
Generals Contradict Biden on Afghanistan. Who’s Lying?

America’s top military Generals testified before Congress that they DID tell Biden that at least 2,500 troops should have remained in Afghanistan in order to keep the Taliban in check. They said that Biden didn’t listen. Biden claims he didn’t know. Who’s lying? Maybe both. Whether it’s the generals who lied or Biden, we’re in trouble all the way around.

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Gen Mark Milley was accused of backstabbing President Trump by calling a Chinese General, and he did. He has repeatedly justified his actions. Now he claims that he told Biden that removing the troops would cause several horrific things:

USA Today reported:

”Milley described to senators what he always believed would flow from a precipitous withdrawal of American troops. His list reads like a litany of horrors:

►The Afghan military and government would collapse. There would be civil war or a Taliban takeover. 

►A region where one neighboring country, Pakistan, has nuclear weapons, would grow unstable. Violent extremism would be boosted globally.

►And the resulting human misery in Afghanistan would include ‘significant numbers of refugees, a degradation in health, schools (and) women’s rights, and revenge killings.’”

All of those things are happening right now. Women have been banned from Kabul University and have lost all of their freedoms gained under the US Presence. The Taliban have resumed public executions and retributions. But can we believe a man whose actions were tantamount to treason?

Gen Milley- this situation has nothing whatsoever to do with Iwo Jima. You are not on an island on the middle of the South Pacific with entrenched enemies trying to kill you. You are a leader of the US military and you have not just failed them, you’ve tried to justify your treasonous actions. But you also undercut this sitting (mostly napping) President by literally calling him a liar in front of Congressional hearing.

Illegal, immoral orders in the military do not have to be followed, so who do we blame for the Afghanistan debacle? Everybody involved.

The Generals who testified are pathetic, but primarily Milley. Trump’s desire to end the Afghanistan war was well-planned and thought out, not a chaotic rush to the door. It was conditional, and the Taliban knew it. Biden’s foolish plan had no conditions, no repercussions, and Milley as well as the others knew it. At least McKenzie took responsibility for the disastrous drone strike that killed 10 civilians. Everyone else is just covering their rear. Milley’s freak out over Trump’s personality traits was ridiculous.

So is the current so-called ”president,” who has so many ties to Communist China that it’s past a joke and into treasonous too. Because Biden listened to Trump haters, all of Trump’s solid policies were removed within the first 24 hours of his term – leaving our borders totally open, our energy independence destroyed, our economy in shambles, our supply chains broken, and our standing in the world destroyed from the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now we learned that he either forgot or lied. If he forgot, he must be removed. If he lied, he must be removed. All of them should be removed.

The testimony of Sec Def Austin, as well as Generals Milley and McKenzie made Biden seem even worse than his own statements have done for his persona. America is in trouble, in case you haven’t noticed.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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