Friday is D-Day on Obamacare

Tomorrow, the House will vote to defund Obamacare, while passing a continuing resolution to keep the government running. John Boehner , Speaker of the House is predicting a huge victory. And it may well be, but the bill is expected to die in the Senate. That leaves a clean continuing resolution bill for the Senate’s consideration. Without passage of the CR, the government runs out of money on Oct 1st. The CR would keep the government funded through December 31,2013.
“We’ll pass a plan to protect the American people from the president’s health care law, while keeping the rest of government up and running. When it comes to the health care law, the debate in the House has been settled. I think our position is very clear: The law is a train wreck, and it’s going to raise costs, it’s destroying American jobs — and it must go.”