Fox News ratings up, MSNBC president complains and wants an investigation

Liberal leaning news station, MSNBC’s president was shocked to see conservative-leaning Fox News ratings beat MSNBC’s lineup on Tuesday night since Fox News added Megan Kelly to go against liberal Rachel Maddow and demands an investigation, Hot Air reported on Saturday.
Cable news channels are always looking for ways to increase viewership but according to MSNBC’s president, Phil Griffin, he says that something seems fishy on how anyone can beat liberal Rachel Maddow in her time-slot.
The report of Griffin demanding an investigation was revealed when TVNewser attended a briefing to preview the new
During the briefing, TVNewser reported that Griffin said, “Monday we had a really good day in the key demographic, on the night that Fox News debuted their three shows, we either tied or beat them in those hours. Tuesday… you guys should be doing some investigations–I have never seen it in all my years of cable, same overnight, same everything and they doubled their ratings in a day? It is impossible.”