Former ISIS fighter: ‘Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS are connected’

Ali Kamal, a young Egyptian fleeing from the Islamic terrorist organization ISIS in Libya revealed the relationship of the leaders of the organization to the Muslim Brotherhood and Safwat Hijazi.
A former ISIS fighter confirmed the links between the brutal terror group and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Ali Kamal, a young man from Egypt, joined ISIS in Libya. He spent two years with the group between 2012 and 2013 before escaping and fleeing back to his native country.
In an extensive interview on an Egyptian satellite TV channel, Kamal spoke about his experiences with ISIS.
Kamal, during his dialogue with the program, Evening dmc, said that ISIS has a close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, and members of the organization were trying to smuggle the brothers Safwat Hijazi out when they were arrested on the Egyptian-Libyan border, pointing out that Sheikh Salem Amir, “emir” of ISIS’ Abusalim Battalion that controlled the eastern Libyan port city of Darna, was personally waiting for Hegazi on the Libyan side of the border.
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Kamal said, “Hijazi was responsible for the transfer of arms from Libya to the Mujahideen in Syria, pointing out that there is full documentation between Libya and the Sinai, and all the weapons that are exported to Sinai coming from Libya.”
He related that Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) sent $100,000 to Egypt to lure new recruits to fight for the terror group. Once recruited, they would be shipped off to Syria through Turkey to fight for ISIS there. The money was sent through private individuals (who often delivered it with their own cars) as well as money changers that belonged to the Muslim Brotherhood.
In recent years, the Clarion Project reported on the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan in which an official document from a 1991 meeting which outlines the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic goals for all of North America, including America.
The document was entered as evidence in the 2008 Holyland Terror Funding Trial. Federal investigators found the document in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search. Elbarasse was a member of the Palestine Committee, which the Muslim Brotherhood had created to support Hamas in the United States.
The Muslim Brotherhood listed a number of organizations and the organizations of their friends, front groups such as CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and others.
In April, former Egyptian Ambassador stated that President Trump should undo Obama’s sponsorship of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Abdel Raouf al-Ridi told Egyptian paper Alshorouk that “Egyptian-American relations are entering a new phase, and the degree of their success relies on Egyptian efforts.”
“Presidents Trump and Sisi can break the ice created during the Obama administration,” he said. “Without doing injustice to Obama, he adopted the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
He added that during Obama’s presidency, “the Muslim Brotherhood shifted their international center of gravity from London to Washington. In recent years the Muslim Brotherhood penetrated American institutions and think tanks, and disseminated their ideology as an alternative to extremism.”
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