Ferguson moonbats wear t-shirt that says they’d rather be stopped by ISIS than police
There’s stupid and then there’s this. It seems the moonbats in Ferguson think they’d come out better in an encounter with ISIS than with their own police.
Worse yet, they’ve taken to wearing a t-shirt that shows just how stupid they really are. The grammatically incorrect t-shirt reads: “I rather get stopped by ISIS terrorist than Ferguson PD.” Seriously:
A post at the Conservative Tribune notes:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
We hope that the shirt was designed by someone for whom English is a second language, which would explain the missing words and other grammatical and stylistic errors crammed into one short sentence.
Let’s put this in perspective: ISIS monsters are known to have beheaded children, cut a five-year-old boy in half, ripped a woman in two after tying her to vehicles, buried women and children alive and given their victims a choice to convert to Islam or die. Reports have also emerged that ISIS terrorists have kidnapped women and sold them into slavery. Their leader has also allegedly given them permission to eat babies.
So far as we know, Ferguson police have done none of these things. Yet these people think the Ferguson PD is worse than ISIS.
Heaven help us.
- Report: ISIS terrorists split woman in two with cars, bury Yazidis alive
- Elite team of Kurdish female soldiers stalk ISIS kidnappers
- ISIS terrorists cut five-year-old boy in half
- Liberal loon on MSNBC: Bombing ISIS won’t work because bombs kill people
- Report: ISIS terrorists bury women and children alive in mass graves
- Moonbat Elizabeth Warren: Let’s negotiate with people who behead children for fun
- British jihadi with ISIS: ‘People love to see heads on spikes’
- Chicago liberals march in support of child-killing ISIS, genocide
- Video: Hamas-affiliated imam vows to ‘totally exterminate’ all Jews
- Video: Barbaric ISIS jihadis joke, play with severed head
- Report: John McCain’s ‘moderate’ allies in Syria behead 40-day-old infant, mother
- Report: ISIS militants ‘systematically beheading’ Christian children in Mosul
- The difference between Hamas and the Nazis
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