Feinstein Asks Obama to Ban Semi-Automatic Weapons Imports
Diane Feinstein is upset that she could not pass new gun legislation, so now she is trying to get it without congress. Using the 1968 Gun Control Act, she has asked Obama to have the ATF, change their definition of a sporting gun.
She wants them to ban the import of all guns that can hold more than 10 shots. That was never the intent of the original law and all shooting competitions would be wiped out. A redefinition of the law is probably illegal, but this administration never lets that get in their way.
We urge you to review enforcement of the sporting purposes test and take the necessary regulatory steps to stop the importation of all military-style, non-sporting firearms, and the assembly of those firearms from imported parts. We have endured too many funerals and mourned the loss of too many innocent lives to accept less than full enforcement of the import ban. Thank you for your attention to this important issue.