
FBI Tells Newsweek that Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State

EVER since the Radical/Islamist-in-Chief took over the helm in 2008, every agency became weaponized — be it Fed or (blue) State.

and countless other smokin’ guns!!

IN concert, radical leftists have captured cultural venues, as well as the corporate/mockingbird media. As per academia, its radical roots have been seeding for decades. For an encapsulation thereof,

THAT being established, well, it makes total sense that the long-standing, captured FBI would restate, that is, to one of the many propaganda organs poisoning the well: “Trump Supporters are Enemies of the State!”

INDEED, setting the stage via Doug Billings Report | By Steven Ahle | December 5, 2023

(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)

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