America’s Leading Expert on Infectious Diseases Dropped the A-Bomb: “The Vaccines Could Do More Harm Than Good”
Put on your seat belts… That’s right. America’s leading expert in infectious diseases, Anthony “I AM SCIENCE” Fauci, the devious authoritarian smurf, spit it out in plain language. Even cheery language, due to the holiday season.
And of course, coming from “America’s foremost expert on infectious diseases”, his words carry heavy weight.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
In an interview with Facebook/Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Fauci dropped what amounts to an A-Bomb. It turned out to be a nasty surprise for Zuckerberg, who morphed into suspended animation upon hearing the news.
Here’s the full 38-minute video:
Zuckerberg’s is stunned to find out the following:
That all which Facebook holds to be true about the mRNA vaccines, that they are “safe and effective,” is a lie.
This snap from the video shows Mark’s demeanor as he listens to these words of Fauci that the vaccines can cause more harm than good. Zuckerberg can’t compute. He’s frozen.
Zuckerberg’s medical hero has turned out not to be such a hero after all.
But Anthony the Devious as usual, isn’t upset about this (or anything). And is during the interview, his usual jovial self all the way through. Even as he tells American men, women, and children that the vaccines “might do more harm than good.”
THE A-Bomb they’re not expecting gets dropped.
Anthony the Devious, casually and with a smile, mentions something he knew all along: The mRNA vaccines can make you sick and kill you.
After dropping this one sentence A-Bomb about possible dangers of the mRNA vaccines on frozen Zuckerberg, Anthony the Devious wasn’t done.
He then continued with his message of joy. Going on and on. Continuing his his jovial mood, to give examples of vaccines that looked great at first, but then for some strange reason, went on to damage and kill people. Hmm… imagine that.
“This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse,” Tony said to a seemingly stunned Zuckerberg. “There was the history of the Respiratory Syncitial Virus vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse.”
Fauci made his astonishing statements as a comment on a recent study which showed that the mRNA “vaccines” could make the person jabbed more likely to be reinfected with the virus than someone with natural immunity from an infection and no vaccine.
As Zuckerberg slipped into a state of suspended animation, with shallow breathing, Tony wasn’t done. He continued in his jovial holiday mood to give more examples of vaccines that seemed great at first, but went on to damage and kill people:
“One of the HIV vaccines that we tested several years ago actually made individuals more likely to get infected,”
Oh my, imagine that. The vaccine ended up infecting and killing the recipients.
Here’s a little background on the the RSV vaccine that Fauci mentioned first in the interview with Zuckerberg.
Children in Washington DC were given this vaccine against respiratory diseases. 80% of the children receiving the vaccine were hospitalized with severe respiratory disease caused by the vaccine. The disease the vaccine was supposed to prevent.
And so, we now learn (thank you Tony) that all that information on the mainstream media, and from the embedded Democrat CDC / NIH bureaucrats dressed as doctors, that the vaccines are “safe and effective”, was known to be very probably a lie from the start.
So why is America’s Leading Expert on Infectious Diseases dropping this bomb on us now?
Well, perhaps in the mind of Anthony the Devious, what better time than Christmas to bring disastrous news. In addition to it being the right season to torture people, the revelation of vaccine danger was bound to happen soon anyway, as more and more studies show the disastrous results of the vaccines.
A recent Harvard study may have been the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States
The study covered 68 countries and almost 3,000 counties in the US.
To summarize the study conclusions in plain English, the study concludes that previously uninfected individuals that become vaccinated are 200% to 300% more likely to be infected after six months than unvaccinated previously infected people with natural immunity.
There is in fact now, an avalanche of new studies is showing that the vaccines don’t work, and may have a harmful effect.
As another fresh example, an Israeli study concludes:
“These findings show that despite the apparent effectiveness in protecting against severe illness, the effectiveness of the vaccination in preventing transmission and contagion is not significant and may even be negligible.”
From here it follows that an unvaccinated individual is not fundamentally different when it comes to the direct risk to transmit the virus compared to a vaccinated individual.
With the new science becoming public, Anthony the Devious may have concluded he can’t lie his way out much longer. And perhaps Anthony the Devious may have decided that by making such a statement “more harm than good”, he could to some extent shield himself from liability or possible investigations. By making such statements now, Anthony the Devious can claim that he did warn the public about the negative side of the vaccines. Telling the truth now is a sort of parachute.
But would the “I did warn you about it” defense hold water? That is a matter for the courts, however as background it’s good to know that:
Fauci had all this information about the dangers, before the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines were provided to the public.
From the start, Fauci misled President Trump as well as every other American by hiding the truth of the vaccine danger. Yet Uncle Tony seems content and happy anyway. And apparently believes that his disclaimer of December 15th before a high priest of Social Media, Mark Zuckerberg, is enough to help clear him (Fauci) of liability in future investigations.
No matter what the subject, Anthony the Devious always appears in interviews as such a nice person. Like a friendly beneficent uncle. A smile on the outside and a black heart. A perfect example that Satan comes disguised as an angel of light.
Could Fauci spilling the beans about the likely danger of mRNA vaccines open the door to law suits against CDC and stage government officials, mainstream media, who have assured us falsely all along, that the vaccines are “safe and effective”?
Ask your lawyer. If you are a vaccine victim, you, your group, may have a case against those who do not have legal immunity and even those who do, since this wrongdoing might be fraud. Why just sweep it under the rug? The admission of Anthony the Devious to the likely danger of the mRNA vaccines, is the start of something big. The A-Bomb.
Be brave, use the words of Anthony the Devious as weapons in our non-violent battle against tyranny. We can win in part by making the information available from sea to shining sea. Let everyone you know, including your local, state and federal representatives, know these words of Anthony the Devious. The mRNA vaccines can do more harm than good. You’ll feel better. I feel better just writing this article.
Dr Joel S. Holmes is an engineer working in alternative energy for many years.
He discovered that solar panels and wind turbines don’t work very well. Just like the mRNA vaccines.
And that similar to the tyrannical lies by Democrats about the pandemic, the Green New Deal and “climate change,” is a method of enslavement using NAZI methods. Yes, and these Nazi Green New Deal methods are spelled out in an amazing book.
If you would like to fight against the Green New Deal, Holmes and many real climate experts recommends his favorite climate book.
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