Fake news outlets claim Trump has syphilis

Yahoo News reports President Trump suffers from mental illness and syphilis is likely the cause. Don’t blame Yahoo for the outrageous claim — they’re just reporting what someone else wrote in an article from The Inquisitor. The author of that article is a journalist, or whatever, named John Thomson Didymus. But Didymus doesn’t make the claim either, he’s just reporting on an article from the liberal magazine The New Republic. That publication makes the claim.
The New Republic article is written by Steven Beutler who is an “expert.” Didymus of the Inquisitor uses the term “expert” four times in case you may raise doubt and who are you to doubt an expert?
An expert in infectious diseases has claimed that President Donald Trump’s alleged erratic and bizarre behavior, which has led several mental health professionals to express fears that he could be mentally ill, could be part of the symptoms of syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
And it’s shocking:
The shocking suggestion that Trump could be exhibiting the symptoms of dementia due to syphilis was put forward by Steven Beutler, an expert in infectious diseases…
And it’s a fact!
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The fact that Trump has shown all the major symptoms of neurosyphilis, including irritability, delusional thinking, grandiosity, and patchy hair loss, provides a basis to fear that he could be in the late stages of neurological illness due to syphilis infection, according to the medical expert.
And it’s medical science:
The first stage of development of syphilis, according to the expert, is termed primary syphilis.
And with a sprinkle of ad Hitlerum for good measure:
Experts have claimed in the past that Hitler’s erratic behavior, especially toward the end of his life, was uncannily similar to the pattern of psychiatric instability.
Didymus is being generous in the Hitler department compared to The New Republic which goes further:
If indeed Trump has neurosyphilis, he’d be in famous company. Al Capone had it. ..Many others were suspected of having it, including Hitler, Mussolini, and Ivan the Terrible.
There’s mention of composers Franz Schubert and Frederick Delius but not Mozart or Beethoven both of whom suffered from the disease. We can’t have greatness compared with Trump, don’t want to confuse people. I never heard of Frederick Delius and neither have you.
Several paragraphs down The New Republic article we get to the only part that makes any sense and in so doing invalidates the whole premise of the article:
Meanwhile, a debate is raging among mental health professionals about Trump’s mental state, and whether it’s unethical of them to speculate publicly about someone whom they haven’t examined (doing so violates psychiatrists’ code of ethics, the relevant section of which is called “the Goldwater rule” because of its association with a magazine survey of psychiatrists about Barry Goldwater, the Republican presidential nominee, in 1964).
So there are two debates. One over the mental state of Trump and other over whether it’s okay to violate psychiatrists “code of ethics”. Can I guess that in the latter case it’s probably not okay? And if so, then it’s not okay to speculate on the former? And for you millennials out there who never heard of Frederick Delius, Barry Goldwater was a conservative candidate for president so this sort of thing is not new.
The Yahoo News post makes no mention that the New Republic is a failing leftist publication nor does the Inquisitor. Both publications are pretending to do journalism while the reader is pretending that they are getting information from “experts” using “facts.”
This is how the liberal media ecosystem works. There is no bias in the reporting per se, the bias is in the selective determination of what is news. Trump may have syphilis, according to an expert who probably has never examined the president, yet the expert makes the claim in a left-wing magazine that isn’t identified as such. The article is picked up by other publications and before you know it, Trump is a sex deceased lunatic.
Take away the fact that this is political slight-of-hand from a doctor playing fast and loose with medical ethics (are we to believe Trump never had a blood test in thirty years?) and you could be led to believe the whole thing is plausible.
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