
Everytown spending big bucks to flip Congress, White House

Michael Bloomberg’s gun prohibition lobbying group, Everytown for Gun Safety, is reportedly shelling out big bucks to buy the 2020 elections all the way down to state legislatures. (Screen snip, YouTube, Face the Nation)

Anti-gun billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety is making an “initial $15 million investment in digital advertising” in an effort to capture the U.S. Senate for gun-control friendly Democrats, “wrest control of state legislatures and lift former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to victory in Florida,” according to the New York Times.

Earlier this year it was revealed by the Everytown Action Fund that at least $60 million—a small dip in the wallet for Bloomberg and other wealthy elitists such as Connie Ballmer, wife of former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, that support the gun prohibition organization—to turn state legislatures and Capitol Hill dark blue and anti-gun.

Possibly the only thing to stop them will be a tidal wave of grassroots Second Amendment activism. It has happened before, when gun owners turned out in 2000 to keep Al Gore out of the White House, and again 16 years later when hunters, target shooters and the tens of millions of people who own guns for personal protection deprived Hillary Rodham Clinton of the prize she expected.

According to the NY Times article, Everytown is budgeting “$5 million earmarked for Florida, the lone state where Everytown plans on advertising in the presidential contest; $3.5 million in Texas, where the group is targeting six House races; and $1 million to $1.5 million in Arizona, Iowa and North Carolina — three states where it will advertise in Senate races — as well as in Minnesota and Pennsylvania.”

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Everytown is also planning to spend at least $500,000 to boost the chances of Rep. Lucy McBath in Georgia.

The newspaper was hardly subtle, revealing, “Everytown aims to replicate its success from Virginia’s 2017 and 2019 elections, when it backed Democrats.” The new majority quickly moved to adopt several far-reaching gun control measures, all signed into law by vehemently anti-gun Gov. Ralph Northam.

Biden has plans for gun owners, and they’re not good. His “gun safety” agenda reads like it was written by Everytown and includes everything from bans on so-called “assault weapons” to restricting the number of firearms anyone can purchase in a month.

A new Quinnipiac poll shows Biden surging ahead of President Donald Trump in Florida, a critical state the president must hold in order to remain in office another four years.


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